Her Boss's Baby-Chapter Six

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"Chase, the water's too cold." Jane stood on the dock watching her brother and Devon as they set up their kayaks. "You're going to get sick." 

"We don't plan on being in the water." Chase replied as he climbed into one of the kayaks.   

"They'll be fine." Judy stood next to her daughter. "They're only going across the lake." 

Jane glanced at her mother. "They should have taken the row boat." She nodded towards the long boat tied up to the dock. 

"Should have, but that wouldn't be as much fun." Judy patted her daughter on the back. "They just want to prove to each other they can kayak across the lake." 

"What's the point?" 

"Didn't you hear them last night? Showing off their muscles." Judy nodded towards the two men. "See, their racing." 

Jane watched the two men as they rowed faster and faster across the lake, water flying up off their double sided oars as they shoved it in first one side, and then the other. "Children." 

"Pretty much." Judy turned back towards her house. "I've got to get your cake finished." 

"Mom, you don't have to make me a cake." 

Judy laughed, "Honey, one of the joys of your birthday is spoiling you." She reached out to rub her daughters shoulder, above the place she knew the tattoo to be. "It's a better memory." 

Jane watched her mother walk towards the house, then turned towards the barn situated on the other side of the clearing. She hugged her sweater tighter around her against the cold. It was spring time in Arizona, and in the southern half of the state that meant warm days, but in the northern parts it was still cold. 

She entered the barn and fed the four horses. She made sure they each had water, before stepping into a stall to take a brush to one of them. "Hello, baby." She whispered as she stroked the horses mane with the heavy brush. 

As she worked with the horse, she couldn't stop her thoughts from drifting to yesterday's incident with the truck. Had it just been road rage, or was it the same person who had been leaving her the pictures. 

For some reason, Montgomery Morgan, the religious leader who had come into the office the other day, popped into her head. There was something familiar and something creepy about the man. 

She'd given his case to one of the other research assistants to look into but he was haunting her. She finished with the horse, and moved to the next stall. 

"Are you spoiling them?" Her mother asked coming into the barn. 

"I forgot how relaxing it is to brush them down." 

"You don't get up here as much as you used to." 

"I know. First it was the company downsizing, and me taking on more work since there were less help, and then Rain bought the company, so now I'm working on new cases, and new..." Jane shook her head, "It's just all different." 

Judy entered the stall across from her and started brushing the brown mare inside. "You gonna tell me what's really going on with you?" 

"Nothing is going on." She answered. "I'm just tired I guess. I haven't been sleeping very well." 

"I heard Nikki talking about that truck yesterday. Maybe you should have filed a police report. Had the highway patrol after them." 

"I didn't get a license plate or anything." 

"Maybe someone else did and called it into the police." 

"I doubt it. There wasn't much traffic at that time." Jane finished with the horse and moved to the stall next to the one her mother was in. "Oh, Glossy." She stroked the tan horses nose. "Such a pretty girl, aren't you." 

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