Her Boss's Baby - Chapter Twenty-One

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Jane watched the door close behind Rain. As the bus lurched forward, the two car seats with the tiny sleeping babies, rocked slightly but were in no danger of falling over. 

Reassured, she found the tiny bathroom, and washed her face before searching through the bags of clothes Rain had bought her. Most of them were no longer the right size, but she found a simple over-sized sundress that fit well enough. At least she was not in maternity clothes. 

The bed was soft, and the blankets warm as she propped herself up against a half dozen pillows, and dug her phone from the diaper bag along with a bottle of pain killers. 

"Well, good afternoon, sweetheart." Her mother answered. 

"Hey, Mom. How's it going?" 

"Oh, it's just perfect." A smile was evident in Judy's voice; her tone held a note of serenity. 

"That good, huh?" 

"This house is incredible. I think I might close the B & B and move here." 

With a laugh, Jane said, "Well, you know you would always be welcome." 

"How are the girls?" 


"Are you on the bus?" 

"Yes, I guess Rain has told you everything, hasn't he?" 

"Well, I'm sure not everything. How are you?" 

"Sore. But recovering." 

"The soreness will go away in time. Don't worry. You'll be back to your old self in no time." 

"Thank you for taking care of the house and everything." 

"No problem. I've actually enjoyed it. The beach is gorgeous, and this house has a deck you can sit and watch the sun set on. It's amazing." 

Jane's eyes began drooping. She bid her mother goodbye, and hung up. With a final glance to the sleeping infants, she rolled over, snuggled down under the blankets, and closed her eyes. 

A cry from Kaylee woke her a while later, she unbuckled the baby, and nursed her. Finishing just as Emily started to stir. "I guess you two know how it works, don't you." Jane murmured. She settled Kaylee beside her, and unbuckled Emily. 

"Hi." Rain stepped through the door, "I thought I heard these little ones."

"Yeah, they were hungry. Where are we?"

"Just outside of Phoenix. We ran into a lot of traffic, so it's taken a while. Are you hungry?"

"Yes. I'm starving."

"We stopped to pick up dinner, I brought something for you." He went into the other room and came back with a take out box which he sat on the side table, "It's still warm." 

Jane finished nursing her daughter and patted the infants back. She pressed a kiss to the babies dark hair. After laying Emily next to her sister, she reached for the diaper bag on the floor, "They both need a diaper change first." 

"I'll take care of them, you eat." He took the diaper bag from her and rounded the bed. Reaching for his eldest daughter he kissed her cheek, "Does my girl need a clean diaper?"

Jane watched him carefully change the infants diaper, "Roll the top down a little in the front." She told him, "So it's under the umbilical cord."

Wrinkling his nose at the blackened stuff hanging from the babies belly, he said, "That's a nasty looking thing. What's going to happen to it?" 

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