Her Boss's Baby-Chapter Seven

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"Thanks again, Mom." Jane embraced her mother and stepped back for her friends to do the same. 

"Thanks for coming." Judy said giving each a hug. She linked arms with Trudy Wolf, "Now you make sure you come and visit me again soon." 

"Oh, I plan to." 

"Rain, you make sure you bring your mama up here as often as she wants." Judy said as she helped the older and much talker woman down the porch steps. 

"Yes, ma'am." Rain took his mothers arm and helped her to his truck. 

"We're just going to caravan down, right?" Chase asked as he pulled open the door to his truck. 

"Yeah, sure." Jane answered. "You follow me." 

"Just don't drive like grandma." Chase joked. 

Jane flipped him off and climbed into the car. Shyanne was in the back seat, and Nicole in the passenger seat. 

"Real mature, Jane." Judy chided. She stood back and waved as the three vehicles started down the driveway. 

"Well," Nicole said as they led the way along the road, "I think that was a successful weekend." 

Jane nodded, "I agree. It was fun." 

"And you caught more than Chase yesterday." Shyanne said, "That's the best part." 

With a laugh, Jane nodded, "Yes, it was. He actually seemed surprised." 

"Your brother is still living in the dark ages when men were better at women at everything." Shyanne informed her. "He still thinks there are jobs women shouldn't do." 

"Like firefighting?" Nicole asked. 

"Exactly. He actually believes that women belong in the kitchen." Shyanne leaned between the seats to be heard over the wind. 

"Which is crazy." Jane said, "He grew up with our mother working." 

"Yeah, he hated that." Shyanne said, "He said if your dad was around, she would have been home." 

"Wow," Jane said, "My brother has cracked." 

It took an hour for them to return home. Jane watched her friends drive away, before climbing the stairs to her apartment. She waved to her downstairs neighbor who was outside on her patio. 

"I think someone left something for you on your doorstep." Her neighbor called. "They were here an hour or so ago." 

"Thanks." Jane said and hurried upstairs. Sitting on her welcome mat sat a bright pink envelope. She grabbed it, and looked around the complex, even though she knew there was nothing there. 

Inside she slammed the door and set the locks. Hurrying around the apartment she locked all the windows, and closed all the curtains. 

Sitting on the couch, she stared at the pink envelope sitting in her lap. With a deep breath for courage, she slowly opened the flap and pulled the picture out. "Holy shit." She whispered. This picture wasn't a head shot like all the others. This one had been taken from a distance. 

In it she was sitting on the fallen tree with her feet dangling in the water. Shyanne was sitting next to her. Their fishing poles in hand. It had been taken yesterday. 

Grabbing her phone from her purse she called Brian. "I just got home." She told him, "There was another envelope waiting  with a picture." 

"I'm not surprised." Brian said. "I got the results back from the lab. It's time to bring Rain in on this." 

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