Her Boss's Baby-Chapter Eight

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When her phone woke her, Jane felt a strong impulse to ignore it. Instead, she grabbed it, and without looking at the caller ID, she answered. "What?" 

"Well, good morning to you too." 

Jane recognized her friend, and doctor, "Hey, Sylvia. Sorry, I was up most of the night." 

"Well, that explains why you aren't here." 

"Oh, shit." Jane rolled onto her back, "I forgot. I'm supposed to be there getting my blood drawn." 

"Yes, you are." Sylvia answered. "Hurry up and get your butt down here so we can get this done. I have to have the results back from the lab before your appointment next week." 

"Ugh, fine." Jane threw back the covers. Disturbing Max who was laying on the bottom of the bed. "I told you not on the bed." 

"Excuse me?" 

"I was talking to the dog." Jane answered. 

Sylvia laughed, "Hon, you don't have a dog." 

"I'll tell you later. Let me get dressed. I'll be there soon." 

After hanging up the phone, Jane dropped it on the night stand, and climbed out of bed. The clock read eleven. She'd only gone to be a few hours before. Dressing in jeans, she pulled on a t-shirt. 

With her phone stuffed in her purse, she opened her bedroom door. The door to the guest room next door was still closed. After their discussion that morning, she didn't feel comfortable leaving without telling him, so she raised her hand to knock. 

"Yeah." Came the muffled response. 

Jane opened the door enough to see him laying in bed. "Sorry to wake you." She whispered. 

"It's fine, what's wrong?" He sat up, rubbing his eyes. 

Jane forced her gaze away from the tempting gaze of his bare chest. The image of her running her hands across his skin, her fingers in his chest hair, flashed through her mind. "I, um, have to go get some lab work done at my doctors office. I'll take Max with me." 

"No, wait for me." He threw the blanket off. 

Jane turned away quickly. "No, that's not necessary. It's just some blood work. Nothing major." 

"Why? What's wrong?" 

"Nothing, it's just routine." She quickly turned. Fastening Max's leash to his collar, she hurried outside. 

The drive to Sylvia's office was uneventful. Entering the office, she found the doctor waiting at the desk. 

"It's lunch time." Sylvia explained. She rounded the counter and flipped the lock. "Everyone's gone for the next hour." Linking arms with Jane, she led her towards the back. "I am doing your draw today." 

"Should I be afraid?" Jane joked. "I mean, do doctors usually do their own blood draws?" 

Sylvia pushed open a door, and waved a hand to a chair with two wide arm rests. "Shut up and sit down. What's with the dog, by the way?" 


"I wish you had waited for me." Rain said as Jane entered her apartment an hour later. 

Jane shrugged, "I had Max with me." 

"Everything okay?" He asked, standing in the hallway.

"Just fine." She answered, dropping her purse at the door, she headed for her bedroom. "I'm exhausted. I'm going to take a nap." 

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