Her Boss's Baby - Chapter Ten

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"Okay, your next appointment will be in one month." Dr. Sylvia handed over a folder. "Here's some reading material the do's and don'ts. Pay attention to what foods you should stay away from. Pretty much anything raw, and lesson your caffeine intake. There are a lot of apps you can download that will help you track your pregnancy."

"I was hoping you would tell me this was all a big joke." Jane said as she hopped off the exam table and stepped behind the dressing curtain.

"Sorry, sweetie. I wish I could say it was." Sylvia typed notes on her laptop, "Have you figured out how you're going to tell the father?"

"Not exactly." Jane answered from behind the screen. "It's a complicated situation." 

"I saw the news about his mother. That really sucks." 

"He didn't do it." Jane was surprised at the venom in her voice. 

"I didn't think he had. You're a pretty good judge of character, I'd be surprised if you were to fall for a guy who was capable of doing something like that." 

Jane stepped out from behind the curtain wearing her business suit. "I've got to hurry up and get into work. There's so much to do." 

"Do you want to know your due date?" Sylvia asked. 

"Sure, why not?" Jane dropped onto a chair to put her shoes on. 

"You're sure your date conceived was..." 

"I'm sure." Jane answered. 

"Calculation of the due date is done by the first day of your last period which was March sixteenth, so forty weeks past that..." 

"Forty weeks?" Jane asked, "That's ten months. Shouldn't it be thirty-six weeks?" 

"A pregnancy is forty weeks, sweetie. Sorry, the nine months thing is a myth. People never counted the first month because they usually didn't know." Sylvia typed a few keys on her laptop. "Alright, December twenty-first." 

Jane's hand dropped to her belly, "A Christmas baby." 

"That's exciting." 

Feeling a small touch of excitement for the first time since she had found out about the little bundle of joy, Jane smiled. "It is." 

"Well, let me know if you need anything before next month." Sylvia opened the door, "I've sent some prescriptions to your pharmacy."

"Thanks, Syl."

Leaving the doctors office, Jane crossed the parking lot to the Mustang parked on the far side near the driveway. Max trotted at her side. She was twenty feet from it when the dog suddenly jerked back on the lease nearly knocking Jane over. "Max, what's wrong?" 

The dog moved in front of her and whined as he pushed against her legs. "Max, we need to get to the office." 

Brian's words suddenly popped into her head, "Don't ignore the dog." 

As she tried to move around Max, he barked, and grabbed her pant leg with his teeth pulling her back. "Okay, Max. I get it. Let's call Brian." She moved away from the car, and dug out her cell phone. "Brian." She said when her call was answered, "Max won't let me near the car." 

"Where are you?" 

She gave him the address to the doctors office. "What should I do?"

"Stay away from the car. I'll be there in ten." 

Jane hung up and debated calling Rain. She didn't want to worry him, but she had a feeling it was going to take a lot longer to get to the office then originally planned. With a groan, she dialed his cell number. 

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