Her Boss's Baby - Chapter Eighteen

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"Jane!" Keith Morrison reached to embrace her. "You look incredible." 

"Incredible is not the word I thought of." Jane responded as she returned his embrace briefly.

"The whole office is here." Keith told her, "It's only fitting that you be here too" 

"Is something going on?" Jane asked, "Why is everyone here?" 

"The firm is sponsoring this party." Keith answered, "We're matching all the donations." 

Jane's eyebrows shot up in surprise, "How is the firm matching donations? The firm doesn't have that kind of money." 

"Thanks to all the new clients we've taken on, we do and then some." 

"Huh," Jane glanced at Richard, "He appears to know more than the company accountant." She turned back to Richard, "Who promised the funds?" 

Keith laughed, "Rain, of course."  

"Okay, enough work talk," Richard urged Jane forward, "How about a turn on the dance floor?" 

Jane nodded, "Sure, but I'm not much for dancing anymore." She gave Keith a smile as he moved back into the crowd. 

"We'll just shuffle our feet." Richard grinned and put an arm around her shoulders. Once they were on the dance floor, he breathed a sigh of relief, "I don't know what it is about that guy. I just don't like him." 

With a smile, Jane glanced over her shoulder where Keith was standing at the bar with a few young women. "I use to date him. I look back know and wonder what the hell I was thinking." 

"I've had a few relationships like that." The music ended and Janice Miles stepped onto the platform, "Ah, time for my mothers speech." He took Jane's arm, "Why don't we go sit while she talks." 

"How many people are here?" Jane asked as she let him lead her towards the dining area. 

"Over two hundred." Richard answered. He pulled out a chair at an empty table, "Most are clients of Miles Enterprises of some form or another. We like to show off." He waved a hand towards the buffet tables behind him, "How about dinner?" 

"Yes, please." Jane began to rise, only to have him halt her with a hand on her shoulder. 

"Just sit, I'll get you a plate." 

As he walked away, Jane leaned back in the chair, rubbing her belly. Janice was still on the stage going on about how much she appreciated the donation. Shyanne was by the bar on the far side of the room holding court with half a dozen men. 

"Here you go." Richard sat a full plate in front of her. 

Jane studied the plate overloaded with cheese, crackers, sliced meat, salad, and a sandwich along with some tiny cakes and other treats. "I thought houses like this only existed in books." She commented as she nibbled on a piece of cheese. "I would not have thought anyone would actually live in such a huge place." 

"Only if you're a Miles do you live in a mansion." Richard joked, "My father built it in the image of the house his ancestors owned in England generations ago." 

"Really!" Jane looked out over the crowd of people again, "I used to love to go to parties like this. If I could dance, I would go." 

"Well, you'll be able to go again, after the babies are born." 

"Thanks, but..." Jane shrugged, "I think my party days are over." 


Jane forced a smile. "What about you, Richard, what do you enjoy doing?"

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