Her Boss's Baby - Chapter Nineteen

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"Rain and Brian are already gone." Richard said as he helped Jane from the elevator. "I still feel we should just wait here. You can go back in the panic room, and wait there until they get back." 

"No, Richard." Jane tried to look as stern as she could with a giant belly. "I'm not waiting around here. My whole life is in that house. If you don't want to take me, I've got a driver." 

"Jane..." They reached the front drive where the SUV was parked at the curb, and Richard's truck had been pulled up behind it by the valet. As they descended the front steps to the car, the driver reached for the car door. "Just get in. I'll follow." 

"Wait." Jane halted mid step, her gaze locked on the man holding the car door. He had the same brown eyes and blonde hair and was wearing the same suit, but it wasn't the same man who had been driving her around for  months. "Who are you?" 

"Uh, I'm Peter, Miss, remember?" The man said with a laugh.

"No, you aren't." Jane glanced at Richard, who stood beside her, "That's not Peter." 

Shyanne groaned from behind her, "Of course it is." 

"No, it isn't." Jane turned back to the man, "I've seen Peter every day for months. I may forget his name now and then, but I know his face..." 

Without another word, the man turned and bolted. Heading for the gate. Wearing his tuxedo, and dress shoes, Richard chased after him. He was soon joined by several of his guards who apprehended the impostor just inside the gate. 

"Good lord," Nicole held tightly to Jane's arm, "that was unexpected." 

"What the hell is going on?" Shyanne stared at the SUV with unease, "So that wasn't the driver?" 

"No, Shy, that wasn't the driver." Jane answered. 

Richard returned to them, breathing heavily from his exertion, "The guards are going to hold him here until the police, and Brian return." He told them, "I've already messaged Brian." He nodded towards his truck. "We can take my truck, I don't want you in the SUV until Brian checks it out." 

"Richard, your truck is too high, I can't climb up there." Jane rubbed her belly, "Not like this." 

"Fine, wait here, I'll get another car." Richard jumped in his truck, and sped around the SUV disappearing around the side of the house to the huge garage in the back. He returned a few minutes later driving a silver sedan. 

"I didn't think they owned any  normal cars." Jane commented as the three women watched the vehicle circle around the driveway. 

"I thought climbing into the SUV is difficult," Jane commented as she slowly lowered herself into the car, "this is even worse." Finally settled, Jane buckled her seat belt careful to move the strap below her belly. 

"You alright?" Richard asked. With Shyanne and Nicole buckled into the back, he sped down the driveway and onto the street. 

"I can't believe this is happening again," Jane said, the closer they got to the house, the more black smoke rose in the distance. "This isn't happening again." 

"How did you find that video?" Richard asked. 

"It was sent to me." Jane answered. "By an unknown number. I'm sure we can all guess who it's from." 

Several police cars blocked the road a hundred yards from the gates. Richard pulled the car to a halt on the side of the road, "Stay here." He ordered, "I'll...Jane..." 

Ignoring him, Jane pulled herself out of the car. As the others climbed out, she waddled quickly towards the police barricade. 

"Sorry, Ma'am." A police officer held up a hand to stop her. "You can't get any closer." 

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