Her Boss's Baby - Chapter Twelve

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Her pulse was racing, her breath coming in gasps. Her pink skirt was ripped along the side, her white blouse stained black from the tire tracks on the concrete. Her bra showed through a long ragged tear at the neck.

With her long hair flying behind her, she pushed a stroller up the steep incline to the second level of the parking garage. 

"Help!" Her scream echoed through the empty concrete structure as somewhere below an engine revved. Pushing the stroller faster, she reached the third level. 

She'd long since kicked off her high heels. Her bare feet slapped against the cement as she ran towards a single door at the end of the garage. 

Tires squealed again. She glanced behind her to find a huge white truck speeding up the ramp from the level below. A scream ripped from her throat a she lifted her baby, and cradled it against her. Stumbling her way towards the exit.

She reached the door with the truck only a few yards behind her. Holding the baby with one arm, she grabbed the handle with her free hand. Locked! With a sob, she slowly turned around. 

The truck stood with it's high beams pointed at her. She blinked and held up her hand to shade her eyes. The driver door opened, and a shadow climbed down. A form stepped in front of the headlights. 

"Please!" She pleaded, "Let us go." 

A soft chuckle reached her ears. She watched in horror as one hand of the mans shadow form slowly raised. "NO!" She screamed. 


Blinking her eyes open, Jane slowly focused on Rain, leaning over her. Where was she? Her bedroom in his house. 

"It's okay, baby," He pulled back the covers, and slid in beside her to pull her against him, "it was just a bad dream."

Snuggled against his chest, she looked around the darkened bedroom. Max was sleeping soundly on the end of the King size bed, "It seemed so real." She shivered.

"It's over now, babe." He kissed the top of her head, "try to sleep." 

Closing her eyes, she tried to shut out the feeling of guilt that overcame her. The nightmares had been plaguing her for the last two months, since the night of the fire. Each time, her screams woke Rain and he spent the rest of the night holding her. She felt as though he were taking advantage of him. 

"Are you alright?" he murmured, brushing her hair back from her face before rubbing his hand down her arm. 

She sighed, as his ministrations soothed her, lulling her to sleep. "Yes." she whispered. "Thank you." 

Finally falling back to sleep, she woke with relief that the dream had not come back though she was alone in the bed. As was the case each time she woke alone, she was coming to the realization she did not like sleeping alone. She was getting used to the feel of him beside her.

"Good morning," Rain entered the bedroom as she was pushing back the covers. He sat a cup of decaf coffee on the night table, and dropped a kiss on top of her head, "Sylvia should be here in an hour." 

"Oh, yeah," Jane sat on the edge of the bed, and sipped the coffee, "I forgot." She watched him leave the room. Max trotted beside him hoping to be let outside. 

Sylvia's coming here again, Jane thought, another of my temper tantrums Rain gave into. After the fire she had stayed inside the house. Finding every excuse not to go out for anything. Rain had brought the office to her, setting up the spare room as a home office for her. 

When it had been time for her to go to the doctor, a month after the fire, she hadn't been able to step outside. Her entire body had begun to tremor, and shake. Her heart raced to the point that she'd almost collapsed. Rain had carried her into her bedroom, and insisted she stay in bed. He'd then contacted Sylvia and arranged for a home visit. 

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