Her Boss's Baby - Chapter Twenty - Two

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"I think the State of California is reaching." Jane tossed the file on the table and pushed her chair back to retrieve the pitcher of iced tea. Returning to the table she refilled everyone's glasses, "There isn't enough evidence in there to prove a case from ten days ago, let alone ten years." 

"I thought the same thing," Tiffany leaned back in her chair, and sipped her tea. She was a slight woman with long brown hair she kept tied back with a fluffy ribbon. Her partner, Ella, was a tall, willowy woman with long hair dyed dark green, "but they wouldn't bring charges if they didn't think they could win." 

"It's a cold case." Jane answered, "They will do whatever they feel will close it. Though I don't think there's a case. It looks more like suicide. I have a feeling there will be more evidence revealed once they have Monica in custody." 

"According to Monica, she came home to find her mother dead." Ella explained. 

"Someone else could have been in the house before she came home." Rain suggested. "There is nothing in any of this that proves Monica is the one who killed her mother." 

"According to Monica," Ella sipped her tea, "the front door was locked from the inside. The deadbolt was latched. She had to go around to the back of the house and enter through the back door." 

One of the babies cried out from down the hall, Jane pushed her chair back, "Excuse me a moment." 

"Oh, are we finally going to meet the girls?" Tiffany clapped her hands together eagerly, "I've been waiting for them to wake up." 

"They'll be hungry." Jane gave an apologetic shrug of her shoulder. 

"You're breast feeding, right?" Ella asked, "We've been trying to get pregnant. So far, we've done three injections, and no joy." 

"I'll be right back." The second baby cried out. Jane sighed as she hurried down the hallway. 

"Can I help?" Tiffany asked, "I'd love the practice." She followed Jane into the bedroom. 

"Uh, sure, how are you at changing diapers?" 

"I babysat in high school." Tiffany answered, "My neighbor had a little boy." She watched Jane lift Kaylee, "Oh, my goodness, they are so tiny." Before reaching for Emily, she asked, "Do you mind?" 

"No," Jane smiled, "I'm sure you know to watch her head." 

Gingerly lifting the infant, Tiffany carried her over to the changing table where Jane was finishing with Kaylee. "I can't believe how tiny they are. They make me want one all the more." 

"Are each of you taking the injections?" Jane asked. 

"Not at the same time." Tiffany answered, "We don't want to both be pregnant at the same time. So I went first, then when it turned out I wasn't, she got the injection." 

"I didn't think doctors would do that." 

Tiffany shrugged, "When you pay them enough, they'll do just about anything. Ella got an injection a few weeks ago. It didn't take." 

"So, how does that work? Do you know the father?" 

"No, we don't."

When Emily had been changed, Jane led the way back to the dining room. Rain and Ella had cleared the table and carried the drinks into the living room. Settling in a reclining chair, Jane began nursing Kaylee while Tiffany and Ella cuddled with Emily. 

"Back to this case." Rain said from the couch, "Have they arrested Monica yet?" 

"No, they are giving her a chance to turn herself in. They have only sent detectives to Phoenix to talk to her. That's when she called us." 

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