Chapter 4

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A daughter, how can I have a daughter? Is this even possible? Nightwing thought.

But as he looked at the girl he could see the resemblance between him the hair, nose, and the mouth, the rest of her looked like Kori.

" b-b-but how? I mean if you are how come you mom didn't tell me"?

"She left because of Tamaran going to War and she was next in line to rule I don't necessarily know why she never told you I assume maybe because she wanted to protect me as long as she could."

There was a pause as everyone thought.

Red Hood decided to break the pause. "  okay wow demon gets his first kiss and Nightwing find out he's a daddy, this night just keeps getting better and better". Red Hood smirked and laughed.

"Shut up Hood". Replied Robin.

"Or what"? He snickered .

" Or you might want to sleep with one eye open tonight if you want all your limbs".

"Both of you enough".  Said Batman.

"Mar'i were going to have to ask you to come to the cave for further interrogation." Batman said.

" Yes of course."  Mar'i said.

" And Robin make sure she doesn't see where we are going."

Robin nodded.


" Okay first we are going to give you a DNA test to see if what you say is true". Batman said.

Mar'i nodded.

"This is Alfred he's an old friend".

" Pleasure to meet you mistress Mar'i".

" And a pleasure to meet you too Alfred." Mar'i kindly smiled.

Alfred did the DNA test by getting a blood sample.

Batman and Nightwing escorted Mar'i into an investigation room.

" Now Mar'i tell us about what happened exactly before you crashed here." Nightwing said. He held a soft look beneath his mask that Mar'i could see.

"Well maybe I should start from the beginning."  She said.

" Take all the time you need." Nightwing said.

"I was born on Tamaran as you know and my mother was Koriand'r the queen of Tamaran and I basically lived there most of my life. Tamaran was at war with these disgusting creatures that enslaved alien races. One day when I was eight they attacked destroyed my planet and my mother did everything in her power to protect me." Mar'i gulped.

Come on  Mar'i don't cry don't cry

" She told me to get into a pod and to go to Earth and find my father and, and......and."

No I can't tell them about mother not yet.
" I left the creatures eventually kiddnapped me, for five years I served as their rulers slave the guards, they would beat me and tortured me every chance they could get."

She pulled up the sleeves of her armor, black, blue and purple bruises covered her arms along with pale scars.

Nightwing held a long frown.

" Yesterday I was being transported to a new ruler, but I took the chance to escape and I flew here".

She then pulled out her bag.

" Here take this, My mother gave me this it has information about me and things to my father for evidence."

Batman took it and opened the bag. He pulled out the letters and said, " Nightwing these are addressed to you."

He took the letters.

Nightwing coughed, " Okay Mar'i that's enough for tonight the results should be here any minute."

They Walked out.

" Mar'i are you okay?" Asked Robin.

" Yes I am fine." She slightly smiled. 

" Mar'i the results are in." Batman Said.

Everyone tuned in.

" Nightwing is your father."

" Oh X'hal!" She exclaimed running and hugging Nightwing crying.

He hugged her back tighter.

I can't believe it, he thought, I'm a father.


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