Chapter 18

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"What the hell do you want from me!?" Mar'i shrieked.

" It's not what I want it's what you want from me." Said the voice.

It was one of the creatures she had killed while escaping.

" What the hell does that supposed to mean?"

" Come and find out." Fist coming straight towards her face.

She didn't doge her face hitting the blank,black ground rubbing it.

" Wha- Why aren't my powers working." He palms flashing sparks or green like sparklers frizzing.

The creature lured another punch at her this time straight at her jaw, blood oozing out from the corner of her lip cradling it.

Mar'i didn't know why she couldn't fight back she felt being held against it. She tried to huddle herself into a corner feeling dominated by it.

" You need to be punished." The creature said kicking her.

" Your mother." Kick. " Your people." Kick again. " Everything that's happened it because of you." Kicking her again.

" I'm s-sorry." She sobbed hysterically. " I didn't mean to if I could change it and do it all over agin I would've let it be me I'm S-s-s-ssssory." Trying to fight back but she couldn't being punched and kick repeatedly into a corner.

" that doesn't change anything."

She lashed out pouncing onto the creature punching repeatedly in the face.

She grabbed its face pulling at it ripping its supposed mask off.

No it can't be

The creature started to cackle. In her voice it was her face behind the mask.

" What no." She shrieked.

It started to chant, " Mar'i." Over and over again.


She jumped up almost hitting the ceiling of her bedroom.

" Mar'i are you ok?" Her dad asked.

" Why yes I'm-uh fine." She said.

" You want to talk about it ?"

" No I'm fine thank you though."

" Mar'i everyone gets nightmares it okay to talk it out it helps relive the stress."

" Thanks dad but honestly I'm fine." Waving him off.

" Ok well if you need anything I'm right down the hall."

" Thank you night dad."

"night starshine."

She reached over to her phone as the time read 5:30 she realized it would be pointless to go back to sleep because of school.

———————————- ————————————
Mar'i arrived at school and caught up with Damian and Colin

"Hey Guys." Running up and tapping them on the shoulder.


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