Chapter 14

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Kick, swing, jump....Kick,Swing,

Mar'i leaped into the air blocking Jason's punch. She spun around kicked sending him flying into the ground. Rubbing his head, " Have to say baby Grayson you sure are getting better."  He chuckled.

Over the past two months Jason has been training Mar'i almost everyday at an abandoned warehouse while Dick was at work in Bluhaven at the police station. Making sure no one else would know that she was learning how to fight.

" Well I have to learn from one of the best." She  smirked.

"Okay so have you read all the villain files I told you to look over and read?"

" uh huh! So...anyways am I ready to go out in the field?"

" You are most defiantly ready but we can't just  because you need to preview to your dad that you have what it takes."

" I wish he would just understand I mean I can kick your ass and I probably could kick Damian's."

" Well the little brat deserves a good kick in the ass." Laughing

" I'm dying of laughter like I haven't heard that before." Giving a sarcastic grin.

"You've picked up on everybody's behavior around here you were basically a lamb when you came here with all your manners."

" well what can I say.....old habits die hard."

Looking down at her phone she had just got from Stephanie she noticed the time.

" Shit Jason I gotta go my dad and I are going to get me enrolled at Gotham Academy today we have a meeting with the headmaster."

Sprinting out of the warehouse getting ready to fly off yelling, " Bye!"

Jason smiling, " Yeah she's defiantly going to become one of the greats."


Mar'i got accepted into Gotham Academy and was staring school the following week with Damian starting her Freshman year of high school while Damian was staring his sophomore year. She and her dad has moved into his apartment just a couple weeks ago. He stayed at the manor the first couple of months of her arriving so she could get used to Earth. They had forgiven each other for their fight but Mar'i had a plan. She was going to sneak out tonight and go on patrol.

She ran up to her room coming back from Gotham Academy interview. Closing and locking the bedroom door she opens her closet filled with clothes. And find what she was looking for.

There sat a black case unlocking it with a key she smiled. She had been working on this for a month. Her own suit. It was all black with a finger stop purple Nightwing symbol. A yellow utility belt which was given to her by Jason. Which he stole... domino mask  and blacked boots.

She also grabbed some throwing stars she stole from her dad the shape of Nightwing. Packing her  utility belt from some weapons of Jason choice( No guns!)

Then then out it back away and ate dinner with her dad  then went back up into her room. Later that night her dad went on patrol and around 11 that night she began to suit up.

Looking at her self modeling her uniform it looked a little patchy but hey it worked! She thought.

She slide on her mask and let her long black hair flow-dow her back.

Carefully, opening her bedroom window she quickly flew up to the roof of the apartment building putting  her com into her ear she also manger to hack into Their  comms abled herself to know what crimes are going on from Oracle( Who she had most recently met discovering her and her dad had a previous relationship).

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