Chapter 12

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The rest of the day Dick took Mar'i out shopping for clothes and literally anything she wanted to try out. They returned back to the manor with bags clothes, makeup, etc.

Dick had to go to a meeting with Bruce at Wayne Enterprises so he said goodbye and ent off.

Mar'i was coming back downstairs after putting all of her stuff in the bedroom when suddenly out of nowhere a bright blonde girl came out from behind the wall.

" Ah!" Mar'i shrieked pointing a bright green starbolt at who it was.

" Woah I surrender". She said.

Mar'i sighed knowing who it was, " X'hal you scared me........Stephanie?"

" Eh yeah anyways sorry about that it's just I haven't really gotten to get to know you one on one so I thought I come up and hand out with you a little bit?"

" ok!"

" Soooo have you had a tour of this place?"

" Yeah about two times already." She gave a soft laugh.

" haven't seen the outside yet have you?"

" No not yet."

" Well come on !" She said grabbing Mar'is hand dragging her out the door to the garden around the Manor.

" Nice grip." Said Mar'i holding her wrist from where Stephanie.

"Sorry I'm really antsy like that." Slightly laughing.

" It's fine Stephanie." Smilimg.

" So princess of Tamaran that must've been really nice huh?"

" Yeah it was until I was enslaved." Rubbing her shoulders.


"I'm really sorry I didn't mean- "

"it's okay you didn't do anything there nothing you could do about it."

" Have you had contact with your mom ever since that happened.?"

Mar'i rubbed the back of her neck biting her lip. She hadn't told anyone what had happened all those years ago but she felt a trust in Stephanie like she could trust her even felt okay and easy around like a sister even though they had only just had met.

" No." letting a tear trickling down her cheek.


"But.........there's something else... My mom.......she was killed trying to protect me from the attack."

Steph was speechless she never me starfire but heard about how wonderful of a person she was from Dick. She wrapped herself immediately around her squeezing her tight.

" Oh my god oh my god  sweetie."

Crying The tears she had been waiting for years of pain she had felt all let out.

For moments she hugged her then let go and said.

" Mar'i sweetie look at me I know you don't know me well but I just want to let you know that you can talk to me about anything going on many of us have gone through similar situations and we want you to know we are here for you no matter what."

" Really?"

" Yes."

" Come on lets go up to my bedroom and we'll have some girl talk."

They went up to her room and both collapsed on the bed.reaching under the bed she pulled out a box of stashed snacks.

She then walks over to a mini fridge that she keeps hidden and takes out at box of waffles and puts them in her secret toaster oven.

Mar'i cocks her head sideways.

" What's that?"

" Something to bond over!"

Pulling them out of the toaster oven.

" Your delicious Waffles." Holding out the plate to Mar'i.

" Uh Thanks." Taking the plate with Stephanie handing her a plastic fork.

Chewing the waffle her pupiless eyes lit up big as they could get and Mar'i flew up and hit the ceiling.


" X'hal." Rubbing her head flying back down. " But these are DELICIOUS!"

Laughing , "glad you like them".

" So what's with all the food stash?"

" Well boys you know they are growing after all." Rolling her eyes. " Yeah and No one can know about this because Jason and Tim will hunt me down." She snorted.

" Sooooo anyways what's in your mind Thad what we're here for?" She said in a sing songy voice.

" things that I still haven't told my about what happened to my mom and so far your the only other person that knows here and I don't even know if my planet is still Surviving of what else had happened. If only I had helped her she would still be here and I wouldn't have been enslaved none of this would've happened.......I should've been stronger."

She placed a hand on Mar'is shoulder. " Mar'i it's not your fault you were only a kid and nothing could've stopped what happened trust me please don't take this out on yourself. I know your mom would want you to keep living she wanted you alive for a reason your her daughter. I know she would be proud of who you become. I know i only just started to get to know you but your a wonderful strong, and independent person."


"Really." She smiled.

They hugged.

"Soooo another waffle?"

" indeed."

" So since your staying on Earth it's time you've been introduced to some of the best things there is to offer!"

" Well I've watched some Disney movies if that's what you call it and Time offered Harry Potter it's a wonderful book really!"

"Ugh  he's such a nerd always readjng blah blah blah come on movies are sooooo much better I won't let him turn you into that. Your Dicks kid so most likely won't happen."

Stephanie got up and went to her tv in her bedroom pulling out a box of DVDs.

" Here we go now this roght here is one of the BEST sitcoms like EVER!"

" Really?"

" Duh It's called FRIENDS! You'll love it!"

Mar'i laughed " I really hope so!"

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