Chapter One - Untrue friends

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„It's okay so?", I asked while I was placing the last strand of hair behind my ear. Hanna rolled theatrical with her eyes - she hated my perfectionist side.

„You have to be convincingly, you're not posing on the red carpet!"

Now I was the one annoyed. „How should I act convincingly when I'm looking like -"

„You're looking great", she cut me. Better that way. I had nothing to compare with me. A last view in the mirror. I went over my strictly backwards tied hair and followed Hanna to the door.

„I think it must be a red one", she informed me, bevor she pulled me ungrateful out of the door. Well. Becaue I'm a so good actress. I definitely had false friends. But well, I agreed to this, so I had to do it. Confidently I climbed up the last stairs of the staircase and stopped on the heavily traveled street, looking for a red car. I flew over the place in front of me twice - it's not that I haven't seen the car the first time, it's just I wouldn't see it. Excited I stroked a fold out of my tight skirt. Definitely false friend, I said over and over again to myself. Actually I took my courage and went elegant over to the red car, knocked gently on the window and put on my pokerface. She told me how he was looking but - so it turned out - she had immoderate understated. He drove down the window, put his arm on it and pulled down his sunglasses one centimeter, so that he just saw my face.

„How can I help you?", he asked.

Was it the excitement or the overcoming, which occupied my whole body and let me feel like a stone. I swallowed hard and cleared my throat.

„I'm here to tell you that Hanna won't be able to come tonight", I followed my command. I expected much and was expecting all, but this. He stayed calmed and his expression did not change.


„He said okay?!", she drove excited through her dark brown hair.

„Maybe it wasn't that good", she whispered. I leaned on the wall in front of the big window which lit up the whole kitchen.

„You didn't told me he's that handsome", I bursted into her monologue. Actually I turned my head from the window and looked in her perplexed face.

„Alex? Uhm, well.."

„That blond, shiny hair - a dream!", I whispered for myself.

„Wait. Who you're talking about? Alex's got brown hair!"

I frowned and shrugged my shoulder.

„The man in the car's got blonde hair", and went up from her.

„Shit! It must've been his friend!", it occured to her sense. „I call him", she added.

„His friend?"

„No - Alex!".

Abrupt I grabbed the phone in front of her nose, whereupon she threw an annoyed look to me.

„What are you going to tell him? That you will come at once?", I tried to bring her down to the ground of facts. A moment she looked reasonable, but then she got one of her great ideas, which she's going to regret afterwards.

„I tell him you were jealous and because of that you sent him away!"

Okay I admittedly had calculated with all - really with ALL - but this!

We were like sisters, best friends and soulmates and now she's going to make me unpopular with her boyfriend?

„Shut the fuck up! You know how your great ideas end", I tried to bring her to good sense and hid the mobile under my crossed arms.

„Ugh, we've got a telephone as well", she said pertly.

„At the end you will come up to me and with teared eyes, because you're so sorry, you did not listen to me, but believe me, I won't join longer!", were my last words, before I threw the mobile on the stacker and left the flat. Unbelievable.

I sat on my sofa, the look obstinate on the dark streets in front of my window, waiting for the call which was already late. She couldn't do this. She wasn't able to do this, and I trust myself to say that. With shaking head I ended up the long wait, turned off my mobile and went to bed. I'd like to see her personally asking for apology.


Hey, here's the first chapter! I'm really excited to publish it finally, after I wrote the whole story without feedback if it's good or not. Now it's your turn, tell me what you think about it in the comments, I would be really happy! :3


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