Chapter Twenty-Five - Old man Jamie

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„Hey”, a soft voice penetrated to my wonderful dream world. Suddenly, some gentle stings brought me out of my sleep, a beautiful smiling Jamie appeared in my sight. „Hi”, I whispered. 

„You like to sleep here on the couch, or should we go to bed?”.

I perceived my enviroment and realized I just fell asleep while we watched a film. 

„Mmh”, I grumbled and took his hand in mine. He just stared down at me, the happiness on his whole face. He is so beautiful. The light was dimmed, only the light from the screen illuminated the room. He pulled my head off his thighs, stood up and stopped right in front of me. A last big grin crept on his face before he put one arm under my legs and one under my head and brought me to his bedroom. I couldn´t see much, but his bed cried for me to sleep in it. I was so tired, I almost fell asleep in his arms again, as he layed me softly on his bed and slipped on the blanket over my body. A few seconds later I felt his warm arm swung around my waist, his body so close to my back. 

„I love you”, his voice got lost in my hair, his warm breath shot a warm shiver through my whole body. I squeezed his hand and closed my eyes. 

With a grumble my eyes opened a gap, dazzled from the sun light. Suddleny a slender arm hit my body powerful. As I looked on my left, Jamie rubbed his eyes, winked at me. 

„Good morning beautiful”, I said and slid close to him, layed my head on his chest. His hand got lost in my hair, bypassed my neck down to my back. 

„How about breakfast?”, he asked.

„What´s the selection?”.

„Uhm.. there´s a café a few houses further”.

„Sounds good”, and with that I got out of bed, waited for Jamie. But he really took his time. Like in slowmotion he dragged back the blanket, stretched out his feet, stretched his arms, finally his entire body. With the tempo of a old man he reached me, swung his arm around my waist. 

„Let´s go”, he mumbled and resumed his way. 

Okay, it´s not that special, and not that long, but I hope you like it. :)


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