Chapter Thirty-Eight - Confession

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„No”, I laughed. „You´re a liar. You´re right, I won´t believe you, don´t ever will.”

She raised her arms to let them fall down again. „Don´t be so stupid, Thea. You said it already, you´ve never done anything to me, I have no reason to treat you like this.”

„But Jim has?!”

„Yea.. there´s a reason, and I thought you´d know about.”

I rolled my eyes. „I don´t want to hear anything from you, bye bye”, I waved at her, catching the door of the car. 

„Just listen!”

I had to sigh really hard, just to get used to this weird situation. 

„You know.. Jim, he´s in love with you and -”

„You´re not telling anything new to me.” 

Just as I spoke these words, I realized Jamie was standing behind me. I threw a quick look at him. „What?”, he whispered over the car. 

„I-I´m sorry I haven´t told you.” 

His eyes were big, his forehead in folds. 

„I haven´t finished”, Hanna interrupted us.

„I´ll tell you later”, I whispered to Jamie and turned to Hanna again.

„He wanted to break up your relationship.”

„Just because he loves me?”

„All the time, Thea.”

„Wait”, I raised my hand to catch a thought again. „Because of that he took all those pictures and shared them?”

„It was me, the pictures, but his idea.”

„W-What? That´s so bewildering.”

„I did this for him.”

I thought I haven´t heard right. That was really.. weird! 

„Not voluntarily of course!”, she added. 

„But why, then?”

„Ugh”, she sighed. I could see how the anxiety occupied her whole body, her eyes glassy from her thoughts, from the fight with the overcoming. „It´s a bit.. I don´t want him”, she pointed at Jamie. „To listen.”

My eyes narrowed. „Then I won´t listen too.”

„It´s okay”, Jamie said, whereupon I rapidly turned around to face him. 

„No, I need you!”

He knew it was inappropriate, but his lips formed into slightly smile. 

„Well”, Hanna almost cried. The seconds I wasn´t looking at her, she totally gave away. Tears rushed out of her eyes, her hair laid chaotic around her head. „Some time ago, my dad had financial problems and tried everything, but lost more than he had. At last, he broke in. It was the market Jim was working at at the moment. Because he knew it was my dad, he let him go. But as he told me about his plans, I totally disagreed, believe me! But he threatened me!”


I´m soooo sooo sorry for the delay, but I was in the movies (Love Rosie eheh:3) & I just came home a few minutes ago.. 


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