Chapter Fourty-Nine - Dwarfs and leeks

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„What is it?", Jamie asked as he opened the door. I just walked past him into my second home and sighed.


„I'll never find a job again. It's impossible!"

„You searched a job?"

„I don't want to live like this forever."

„Like what?"

„On your costs!"

Immediately he took one of my hands between his. „But that's no problem."

„Maybe not for you, but for me."

He bit his lip and focused me with a impenetrable mien. „Where were you?"

„At the book shop at the corner."



His other hand drove through his hair, that shone golden in the afternoon sunlight. 

„That's terrible. I studied journalism, but no one would accept someone with a .. with a star as boyfriend."

His eyes widened to stare at the floor some seconds later. I felt the anxiety in his hands. „I'm sorry", he mumbled.

„Are you crazy?!" Abrupt he eyed me, attentive listening.

„You're the best thing that happened to me, particularly in the last time, that was a mess!"

„You could work as.. model", he tried to hide his smile. „For dwarfs." Now he couldn't help himself and started with loud laughter.

„Oh stop that! I would earn much more than you. Because out there", I pointed at the window. „There are more people in average length, than such.. leeks as you!"

„Better leek as dwarf."

„Anyway I would earn more. I would earn tens of millions - I'm going to be a star!"

„Yeah? Prove it!"

I pressed my lips against each other in a smile. „I would win - towering!"

The leek and the dwarf - perfect! :D♥

I have to say that I think that the story is going to end in a few chapters, so here my question: would you like to read a sequel? :)
Pleaaase write it in the comments, or vote or do something else to say me what you think about it! 


Freak like me - Jamie Campbell Bower (Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now