Chapter Thirty-Four - Stalker

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„What was it about? His visit, I mean”, Jamie asked.

„Nothing. Just to talk about random stuff.”

„All right. Were there any pictures again?”

„Uhm, I haven´t been looking again, but how about now?”, I said and grabbed the laptop which laid on the little couch table that stood in front of us. Actually, there was a picture again. It seems like..

„Somebody has taken pictures through the kitchen window?!”

Jamie scratched his forehead thouhtfully. „Okay, it´s getting creepy.”

„You think of a stalker?”

„It´s not out of question..”. Holy shit. 

„Who would do something like that?”

„Thea, calm down -”

„I won´t!”, I interrupted him. „I´m afraid of loosing my privacy!”

„And you...", I added whispering.  „I mean, I´m not really afraid, but it makes me angry!”

„We should go to the police tomorrow.”

„Yeah, think that´s the best we can do.” 

He grabbed my hand and pulled me into the bedroom. There arrived, he turned fast and stopped me in my movement. The strand of hair in my face was tickling me, made me smile. His mouth angles trembled, not really smiling, not really his normal look. But it was beautiful. It looked a bit like he had to laugh, but he was not allowed to. For deliverance of this situation, I laid my arms around his neck, my eyes pinned on his. They were darker as usual. And they glittered a bit. I don´t know how long we were standing like this, till he leaned in and touched my lips so slightly, I hardly felt them on mine. His arms so warm around my body, I felt every move, every little quiver. I heard the blood behind my ears rushing through my veins, we were so quiet. The grip became tighter and his whole warmth transferred on me. Our hearts collided, they beat the same second. It was like a rhythm. The rhythm of our lifes. Suddenly his lips glued on my ear, whispering inaudible words. His hands pushed soft on my hip, made me swing my legs around his back. Still kissing, he tried to move, to throw us into the bed, but he started waver.

„It´s okay, I can go by myself.”

He tried it again, but this time we landed on the floor. First me, in the gap between the bed and the wardrobe. As he landed, he immediately shored himself with his arms not to hurt me, but I had my arms around my body, unable to stop laughing. 

„You should practice this before you try to impress me.”

„I did this the first time..”

„Oh, okay, than this impressed me", I grinned. 

He fell on this elbows, so that our faces were only a gap off from each other. The nose ring was blinking in the dark night light. 

„You get hurt?", he asked.

I shook my head. „But you can still kiss me to heal my wounds.”

Before he kissed me, he grinned slightly, and laid his body carefully on mine. His hair fell into my face and made me giggle.

„Now you know what your hair makes with me.”

„It does not bother me, it smells fantastic”, I said. „Your hair, I mean”, I added fast. 

„You´re smelling good as well”, he said and started to kiss my neck. 

I could feel the tautness in his legs, down to his on its toes standing feet. 


He looked up, tried to figure out what it was. „Huh?”

„I don´t want to bother you, but.. your floor isn´t that comfortable to lay on it.”

„I´m sorry”, he mumbled, before he stood up and held his hand for me.

„You think the bed will do it?”

Rapidly I took it. „Sure”, I smiled. 

I love this chapter eheh :3 ♥
What do you think, is there really a stalker? 


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