Chapter Twenty-Six - Simplicity

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„You called me?”.

„Y-Yeah, come in.”

Jamie stepped in, a questioningly look on his face.

„What is it?”.

I walked into my living room, sat on my couch and pointed on the screen of my laptop.

„There´s this photo..”. I heard him chuckle behind me. He stood cool there, his hands pressed on his waist, considering the picture on the screen. There were we, as Jamie waited for me in front of my old work. 

I knew that there will be paprazzi, but it scared me a bit. 

„It´s all right”, he began. „I know, at the beginning it´s uncomfortable and scaring, but with time you´ll get used to it, believe me.”

„I know, but..”.

I felt his slender arms around my waist. „Shh”.

„Since this thing with Hanna, I´m really careful”.

„Look, she´s got a job now - your job, and she´s sorry for what she did”.

„I don´t care about that”, I cut his word off.

„I know”, he started again. „But what shall she do now? There´s nothing she can do anymore, it´s over, you can stop to be paranoid”, he grinned. 

I sighed heavily. „Maybe you´re right..”.

„Of course I am”. The grin on his slim face got wider. 

„Of course!”, I said sarcastically, giving myself a facepalm.

His hands took mine gentle, crossed them under our kissing lips. 

„Where´d you come from actually?”

„I was on set when you called”.

„Sorry, I didn´t want disturb you”.

„You never disturb”. In his voice I could hear a shocked tone, so if I had to know this. 

„So, what now? You have to return to set?”

„No, I´m free. I´m right here for you, if there are any burglars in your flat again”.

„Oh, you´re so an idiot!”. Playfully I hit him on his muscular upper arm. 

„You scared me to death with this”. 

He rolled his tongue out between his wonderful smiling teeth. 

„What about eating some fried vegetables and watching a film you can fall asleep with?”.

„Is this now our thing? Everytime the same food and boring films?”

With a happy smile he shrugged his shoulder.

„No, I don´t want simplicity”, I continued. 

„So you want variety?”.

This blue eyes and this big mouth had spoken for him already. It couldn´t mean anything good.

I totally love writing chapters about Jamie and Thea.. :')
Thanks for your lovely comments and votes! :3


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