Chaper Twenty - Rest

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Steps. I opened my eyes hardly, to see Jamie entering the room.

„The door was opened so I.. oh my god, what has happened here?!”. 

I could hear the softness in his voice, that makes him unmistakably.

„She tried to murder me!”, Hanna shrieked and pointed at me. 

„W-What was going on here?!”, he asked again. 

„Jamie, you have to believe me. She´s got the recording with her confession!”, I said.

„Confession of what?”.

„My innocence!”.

He glanced at Hanna expectant, but she twisted her eyes and kept quiet.

„In her hand”. 

It seems like she has given up. She provided resistance, but the apparatus glided out of her hand like soap. Immediately he pressed the 'play'-button and listened to the whole dialog. He was perplex.

„Thea, I-I´m sorry.. oh my god, are you ok?”, he asked, after he saw my now no more bleeding arm, but the dried blood was still there. It was no deep cut, I looked worse as it already was. 

„Yes, I´m all right”, I smiled broken. 

„I should´ve believed you..”.

„No, all the facts have spoken against me”. 

„Yea, but..”.

„Shh”, I said, placing my finger on my lips.

„Thea?”, Jim stormed in, holding himself in the door frame, to not fall. 

„You called me..”, he stopped as he saw Jamie kneeling beside me. 

„You took your time!”, I laughed.

„Oh, you´re okay? I didn´t knew you´re victim of a knife-attack”.

„Oh stop it, you! I´m okay, I´m just tired!”. I stood up to show them my strength. Then I heard a quiet sob. „Hanna?”, I whispered. She cried. She cried real, not faked. Maybe now she realized what she´s done. But it was too late. So often I tried to calm her down, bring her to the ground of facts, but she was blind, deaf and stupid. Okay, I was a bit sorry for her, nobody wants to be all alone in the end, but I also was. 

„Thea, you need a doctor”, Jim´s voice reached me. With a sigh we left the flat, we left Hanna, we left the memories I captured tonight. 

„Why did you came?”, I asked Jamie on the way to his car. 

„I wanted to talk about you”.

„With Hanna?”.

„She was your best friend..”.

„Was..”, I whispered. A warm arm swung around my shoulder. As I looked up I saw in my favourite shade of blue. Jamies. My glance disgressed in Jim´s sad mien, starring at us. I forgot it. It´s not that easy to have a best friend, who´s in love with you. The only love I can give him is another love. A love he doesn´t need from me. 

Wow, we reached already chapter 20! :o
And oh my god, thanks for 300 reads! *o* ♥


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