Chapter Twenty-Seven - Variety

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„We could do usual things like normal people”, he suggested.

I frowned, not understanding what he wanted to say.

„But.. we are normal people”.

„Normal? Hah, no!”, he laughed. 

„What are we, then?”

„You´re a freak - like me!”

„Wow.. that was literally the sweetest thing someone ever said to me”. 

I didn´t know how it must´ve looked, but I felt my smile got wider and wider. 

„You deserve to hear something like that every day, every minute, every second of your life. Because you´re beautiful”. 

My heart was melting. I felt my shaky hands, which wanted to get lost in his hair. My dry lips that wanted to lay on his. And the heavy beat of my heart that wanted to stay with him forever. Just in this second I realized, I found the person I wanted to be with for the rest of my life. He´s perfect for me. 

„Stop that”, he pulled me out of my thoughts.


„Starring like that without answering something”.

I smiled tired. „I love you”. He reciprocated it and leaned in for a long, story-telling kiss. 

„But we don´t even know what we´re going to do yet”.

„Devise something.. freaky”, I said.

„Uhm.. like bungee-jumping?”

„Okay, not that freaky”.

„Why not? Are you afraid of height?”

I curled my lips a bit like a duckface. „A little bit”. I showed him with my fingers the size of my anxiety.

„Oh I think it´s a lot more”, he grinned. 

„Don´t be so exactly all the time! It depends on how much is possible, you know? And I can´t stretch my fingers like thousands of meters”.

„Aw, you´re afraid of a lot of things”.

„Not really. It´s the height and the dark. Two things aren´t this much to be honest”.

„Aren´t you afraid of spiders?”. His grin looked as if it was naturally the same answer by women. I don´t like spiders, they´re ugly, but I´m not afraid.

„No!”, I crossed my arms in front of my breast.

„Well, try it”, I added. 

„Uhm, I don´t have spiders in here”. His eyes twisted.

„Oh no, you´re so a hygienic freak and wash all around twice because of the bacteria”.

„You haven´t seen me when I´m in the mood to clear up”.

„Should I?”, I asked unsure.

„Hell yeah! I´m master of bacteria!”. 

I loved that kind of smile when he´s proud of himself for something. It got that little last thing, that made him content with himself. That´s the best he can wear I think. Besides clothes. Well, I think he don´t needs clothes to look gorgeous.

Master of bacteria! :D
Well, I think there´s nothing he´s not able to do or to be.. :3


Freak like me - Jamie Campbell Bower (Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now