Chapter 5

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Xiao Zhan is currently internally panicking and screaming. He wanted to run away but he can't, the man was still holding his hand tightly. Xiao Zhan became a stuttering mess in front of the handsome man because he was too embarrassed about the letter he wrote for Li Qin. And what does the man think about giving his answer? Did he actually thought it was for him? Who was this guy anyway? Xiao Zhan was done for.

"I, uh-wait, ah- about the letter," Xiao Zhan tried to voice out but the other man was too impatient to wait and listen to what Xiao Zhan has to say. "I accept your love," the man said impassively and everyone in the hallway went dead silent. Xiao Zhan felt like his jaw fell on the ground and the feeling of his soul leaving his body. All he was saying in his mind was whatthefuckishappening-

After a couple of seconds, everyone made noises, various of squeals, gasps, screams, cheers and people talking. Xiao Zhan felt like fainting at that very moment. Now he can't even seem to deny this since everyone heard what the other man said. No one would believe him! Everyone thinks he's in love with this man who he doesn't even know!

Zhuocheng was right, writing a letter was a very bad idea. Worst of all, Li Qin didn't even receive the letter, that's why she didn't say anything. He had put the letter in the wrong fucking locker! Xiao Zhan wanted to cry but he was too shock to do anything. Xiao Zhan always thinks he's straight and how come this happened? Now everyone thinks his bi or even gay! What would other say? What would Li Qin say? Why did the letter fall to a man's locker? 

He wished life wasn't that cruel to him, like letting the letter fall into a cute girl's locker or something, but a man's!? Xiao Zhan would like to die from embarrassment. There's no point in keeping a low profile anymore. "Why aren't you saying anything?" the man asks, "Is my answer not to your satisfaction?"

Holy mother bag of potatoes, stop talking! Xiao Zhan thought and immediately covered his mouth. He pulled the other man away from a less crowded place.

"Okay wait," Xiao Zhan paused,"You are?"

"You don't remember?" The man asked and a hint of frown was shown from his handsome features but quickly disappeared. Xiao Zhan internally panicked. Handsome face, has an impassive look on his face and a cold aura surrounding him.... Is this... Wang Yibo!?

"Ay-uh, Y-Yibo...?" As he heard his name, the man's face soften. "Uh so, about the l-letter," Xiao Zhan tried to explain and sweatdropped. "What about the letter?" Wang Yibo asked impassively and Xiao Zhan was already having a hard time trying to express what he was about to say. Fuck, I can't believe this man actually took my letter seriously! I can't even remember what I wrote there! The fact that Wang Yibo didn't even find it weird when a man sent him a letter is beyond him.

"Xiao Zhan?" Hearing his name, Xiao Zhan snapped out from his thoughts, "Ah? Yeah as I w-was saying... The letter, i-is uh," Xiao Zhan honestly doesn't know where to start. "I don't think you're feeling well," Wang Yibo said as he placed his hand on Xiao Zhan's forhead. Xiao Zhan immediately shuts his mouth. "You're a bit warm, I believe you got sick from the party?"

"No! I'm perfectly f-fine!" Xiao Zhan stuttered and goodness gracious- He can't even bring himself to tell this man that the letter wasn't for him, what will happen if he did? Will the man punch him? Call a gang to beat him up? Make everyone turn against him?

My dear Zhuocheng, where are you when I need you? Xiao Zhan mentally cried. I guess I'll play along for a while and when things get calm again, I'll tell him that the letter wasn't for him.

"Are you sure? Should we go to the infirmary?" Wang Yibo questioned and Xiao Zhan immediately replied with a smile to reasure the other man, "I'm fine, really."

Both of them stayed silent and the atmosphere is extremely awkward. So this was the man that helped him got home. Did he do it because if the letter? Xiao Zhan doesn't know if he should be thankful or not.

"Yibo!" A voice not too far shouted and Xiao Zhan looked at a group of young handsome men coming their way. Fuck! It's his friends, right? Xiao Zhan was about to turn around and flee when he was already blocked by Yibo friends.

"Let's go and eat at tacobell," Wenhan said happily and playfully slapped Yixuan, which he received a stronger slap and cried in pain.

"Ah? Who are you talking to, Yibo?" Seungyoun asked and turned to look at Xiao Zhan.

"Oh, haha, I'm Xiao Zhan. I'm just his-"

"Boyfriend," Wang Yibo said calmly and everyone who was present at the scene immediately went silent, including the people passing by and Xiao Zhan himself.

"You really almost got us bro!" Sungjoo said with a laugh. "I know right? What gave you the idea to suddenly joke about that?" Wenhan added.

"I'm not joking," Wang Yibo stated and once again, everyone stayed silent. All of Yibo's friends turned to Xiao Zhan, "Is this a prank or?"

Xiao Zhan was torn between telling the truth or not. If he told the truth, Wang Yibo would be put into shame and he'll find out about the wrong sent letter sooner or if he lies, Xiao Zhan's reputation is at stake and it will be in shambles.

"Ahaha," Xiao Zhan laughed awkwardly and said, "Y-Yeah...?" After saying his answered all of Yibo's friends cheered and Xiao Zhan honestly didn't expect the reaction.

"Wow! You're also now our friend!" Wenhan said happily and shaked hands with Xiao Zhan.

"Whoever is close to Yibo, we'll surely annoy them too," Sungjoo added and Xiao Zhan felt quite relieved on how his friends are rather accepting of the situation. Wang Yibo truly has a group of good friends.

"Wanna join us for tacobell?" Seungyoun asked with a smile.

"Ah no, thanks. I have things to finish and things to get in my locker," Xiao Zhan quickly replied.

"Now where did I hear that excuse befor-" Wang Yibo immediately cuts Yixuan off. "Don't hold him off any longer. But before you go," Yibo turned at Xiao Zhan, "Can I have your number?"

"What for?" Xiao Zhan asked dumbly and then realized what he just said. "Uh- Yeah, here," he said as he rumaged through his bag for his phone. Upon finding his phone he dictated the numbers.

Wang Yibo's friends looked at their exchange. "Aish, our Yibo is growing up ah!" Sungjoo said with a fake cry.

"Tell me, Seungyoun. Why am I single?" Wenhan complained. Seungyoun just laughed at him.

"I'll tell Wooseok how a bad guy you can be!"

The two friends bickered and Xiao Zhan just finished giving his number and immediately said a quick, "Goodbye, everyone," and fled before the others can say anything. Xiao Zhan even forgot to go to his locker and put his books. He ran outside the university without even looking back.

Xiao Zhan's mind was running with a thousand thoughts and the one thing that kept bothering him is that, he suddenly has a handsome boyfriend that he's not even familiar with!

Sorry for the typos and please do tell if I have errors!

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