Chapter 10

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Xiao Zhan froze on his spot as he gulps a huge amount of saliva. "W-What are you talking about?" He stuttered as he didn't meet Seungyoun's eyes. "Oh you pretty much know about it," he said as he crosses his arms. "The letter for Yibo? Wait, for Li Qin." Xiao Zhan's blood ran cold as he heard those words roll off from Seungyoun's mouth. How did he even find out?

"O-Okay, let me explain," Xiao Zhan stuttered as he sweatdropped nervously. "You better explain, I don't want Yibo to be hurt," Seungyoun said a bit sternly as he looks at Xiao Zhan. With a sigh, he spoke, "Can we talk at a cafe or something?"

Seungyoun was about to say something but he stopped himself. "Starbucks," he said plainly and Xiao Zhan nods his head nervously.

As they got out of the school gates and arrived at Starbucks, which is just across the street from their campus. Seungyoun simply ordered a coffee jelly while Xiao Zhan didn't as he anxiously sat at an isolated table. There weren't that many people inside just a few college students here and there.

Seungyoun arrived at the table and sat opposite at Xiao Zhan. "Speak," he said with a sigh once more. "So, I've been pinning for Li Qin since high school and this year, I thought that I could send her a letter to convey my feelings... Turns out, I slipped the letter in the wrong locker and now..." Xiao Zhan's words died down as he averted his gaze at Seungyoun.

"Why didn't you tell him sooner?"

"It was hard to tell the truth when he suddenly called me out at the hallway and I was too surprised," Xiao Zhan reasoned out and Seungyoun couldn't help but annoyance building inside him. "Why do you have to go on dates with him? If you didn't even like him?" Xiao Zhan felt his heart stop for a second upon hearing the word like. He did like Wang Yibo. But not as in like like- as to romantically love someone, right?

He brushed it off and felt so guilty once more. He's not even surprised that Seungyoun is getting angry, his friend was somewhat being played at and it's all Xiao Zhan's fault. Why was he being an idiot?

"I can't find the right time to tell him the truth...And I- Because I kept telling myself that I need to go with the flow so I can't embarrass him," Xiao Zhan wanted to stop speaking, to shut up and never talk again, everything that came out from his lips were utterly nonsense and stupid. "You already embarrassed him from the start," a pang hit his chest upon hearing the other man's words.

Xiao Zhan bites his lower lips and from too much pressure, it could actually start bleeding. "I'm so sorry," he whispered as he bows his head in front of Seunyoun. "Don't apologize to me, apologize to my best friend. He..." Seungyoun trails off as he didn't even finish his sentence. Xiao Zhan looks up to him and got curious as what the other man didn't finish. "Anyways, you should break up with him before things get even worse," Seungyoun said as he crossed his arms facing Xiao Zhan.

The said man actually felt a foreign feeling inside his chest, a mixture of hurt and relief with an undescrible feeling inside him upon hearing the words break up. If Xiao Zhan was to be honest, Wang Yibo is truly a good guy, great even! He is a gentleman that's just not very expressive. He learned a lot about him for the past few months and he can actually get along with him pretty well. Breaking up means he can't talk to Wang Yibo anymore. Xiao Zhan thought of him as a very important friend with just a special case, or that was what he was just telling himself. Completely cutting ties with him will lead them to being strangers. Shouldn't Xiao Zhan be feeling happy about this? He can finally be free, free from dates and cringey moments. He can do whatever he wants without minding anyone. But why is he suddenly feeling loneliness?

"I know, I'll-" Xiao Zhan's phone suddenly rang and he takes it from his pocket and checks the contact number. It's Wang Yibo. Xiao Zhan internally panicked and Seungyoun gave him a look, it seems like he knew who it already was calling him. "Answer it, and tell him soon. I don't want to tell others' secrets," Seungyoun said with a sigh as he stood up from his chair. Xiao Zhan couldn't bring himself to say anything. The other man already left as he bid a short farewell.

He heaves a heavy sigh as he answers the call, "Hello?"

"Zhan? Where are you? I've been looking for you at the campus. I have something to tell you," Wang Yibo explained from the other line and Xiao Zhan bites his red lower lip once more. "I have something to tell you, too. I'm here at Starbucks, the one across the street," he voiced out, he didn't know why but his heart aches so much just by speaking with Wang Yibo.

"I'll go there, wait for me," he replied and Xiao Zhan said a quick, "Okay."

Not too long, Wang Yibo scans the cafe and looks for a certain man. His eyes caught the sight of a lonely sitting guy at the far end of the cafe, he had his head low as if he was looking at something from below and he was wearing a cozy red jacket. Yibo immediately made his way at the table and taps the shoulder of the man. Xiao Zhan jumps a bit in surprise and Yibo chuckles. "Hey there," he said as he sits in front of him. "H-Hi," Xiao Zhan stuttered and didn't meet Wang Yibo's gaze.

"What's wrong? Are you feeling unwell? Should we go to the-" Xiao Zhan immediately cuts him off and quickly replied, "N-No! I'm alright, I just had a lot of things in my mind."

"Are you sure?" Wang Yibo asks worriedly and leans in for a bit as he reaches out to touch Xiao Zhan's forhead, to check if he has a fever. He met a pair of beautiful black eyes that widen in surprise. "I'm sure, Yibo," he replied with a smile. Wang Yibo didn't push the topic any further.

"So I-" both of the started in unison. "You go first," Yibo said with a chuckle and Xiao Zhan quickly replied, "No, you go first."

They continued to pass on who to speak first for a good minute. Wang Yibo felt like this wasn't going anywhere, with a soft sigh he said, "Okay, I'll go first."

"It's my father's birthday this coming Friday night and I want you to come with me," Yibo explained and Xiao Zhan felt his hands started to sweat. "I want you to meet my parents, Zhan," Wang Yibo said with a smile and Xiao Zhan actually doesn't know what to say. It was really rare for Yibo to smile and chuckle but today his mood is truly light and cheerful, he looked very happy and contented.

Xiao Zhan told himself that he should tell Wang Yibo about the letter. Tell him and ruin his mood right now? Okay Zhan, just a few more days. Friday will be the last. He thought and immediately gave Yibo a smile. "That would be a great honor, Yibo."

"I'll tell you more details about it later, by the way, what do you want to tell me?" Xiao Zhan froze on his place upon hearing the other man's words. "Ah, I-I was... Oh I just want to ask you, what's your favorite drink here?" Xiao Zhan stuttered and didn't meet Yibo's eyes as he gave an awkward laugh.

Another chuckle was heard and Xiao Zhan could feel his heart thumping. "Seriously?" Yibo snorted and Xiao Zhan actually felt embarrassed for no reason. "Aigo, just don't tease me," he complained and Yibo tried his best to compose himself. "Alright, sweet vanilla cream cold brew's my favorite."

"That's a really nice choice," Xiao Zhan replied, internally being thankful for averting the topic. "Not gonna ask me why?" Yibo said with a smirk. God! Why is this man smirking and smiling so often today? It was not good for Xiao Zhan, it was making his heart feel weird.

"Okay, why mister Yibo?" Xiao Zhan asks as he returns the smirk. "Vanilla reminds me of you," he said and Xiao Zhan looks at him. "How come?"

"Your sweet scent is like vanilla and I actually find it pleasing," he explains and Xiao Zhan could feel the heat rising from his face. "Wow-" Yibo cuts him off with a gentle look on his face. He continued, "And it takes me back when you gave me the letter. It also has the scent of vanilla."

At that very moment, Xiao Zhan felt the most painful ache he experienced.

Sorry for the typos! Please do point it out!

Wrong Letter | YiZhanOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora