Chapter 11

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The gliding and a bit of screechy noises around the hallway were heard as people passed by and walk around. The man wearing a regular blue polo and a white shirt underneath sighs softly. His appearance wasn't the best since there were dark and deep bags under his eyes and his hair was a bit of a mess.

Xiao Zhan was on his way to the cafeteria, he feels like at any minute, he could pass out because of the lack of sleep. He'd been stressing a lot with his majors and the dreadful letter that he wrote.

He was in a daze as he stared straight ahead, not bothering others. Then someone suddenly taps his shoulder, he turns around to see who it was and to his surprise, it was Seungyoun. "Yo, going to the cafeteria?"

"Ah, yeah," he replied awkwardly as he walks to the hallway and Seungyoun follows his pace. "I guess you still didn't tell him, huh," the man said as he crosses his arms. Xiao Zhan sighs once more and whispered, "Soon, I'll tell him soon."

"When will that soon be?" Seungyoun asks as he looks at Xiao Zhan. "This Friday."

"Seriously? Four more days?" He complained and Xiao Zhan was feeling even more bad. "I have my reasons," he whispered. Seungyoun didn't say anything after that.

They reached the cafeteria and both of them ended up eating together. Where are Xiao Zhan's friends? Everyone's currently busy for midterms and it seems like Wang Yibo was too.

Xiao Zhan's not really that close to Seungyoun and he didn't really get to talk to him a lot when they meet. But this time, it's different. "Zhan, I know you're a good guy but this isn't really right." Seungyoun said as he ate his sandwhich. "I know, I'm really sorry."

"I told you, don't apologize to me."

"What else should I say?" Xiao Zhan sighs as he pokes his chicken with a fork. "Okay, how about this," Seungyoun starts and Xiao Zhan looks up at him. "Shouldn't you hang out less with Yibo?"

"Yeah, I'm actually avoiding him," Xiao Zhan said plainly. "Great, the lesser it will hurt if you hang out less."

"I know, but Yibo always pulls me away," he whispered and ate his meal. Seungyoun clasped his hands together. "I can always butt in."

Xiao Zhan doesn't know if he should laugh or cry. "I'm very much aware that he's going to get angry," he said as he grips tightly to his utensils. "But surely, he won't be too hurt?" he whispered. Seungyoun wanted to smack someone for being so oblivious. He holds it in and sighs. "Lying to someone is the most painful thing in the world."

He breath hitches for a bit and looks down on his plate. Xiao Zhan totally lost the appetite to eat. "Thanks, Seungyoun."

"Why are you thanking me for?" He asked in confusion as his brows furrowed. "I'm the person who is hurting your best friend and yet you're still talking to me."

The younger sighs and replied, "Everything was an accident but things just really got out of hand." Xiao Zhan didn't say anything as he placed the silver utensils at the side fixed himself for a bit.

"Well, see you later," Seungyoun said as he stood up from his chair and Xiao Zhan just hums in reply. I'm really messing up a lot.

• • •

"Wow, you're looking worse than before," Wang Zhuocheng said as he points out Xiao Zhan's eyebags. "I know Zhuocheng, you don't have to tell how ugly I look right now." He said dryly as they walk outside the campus gates. "You should really take a break. You still didn't tell him yet?"

"Friday, okay?" Zhuocheng sighs at his friend. "I'm just worried for you, you looked like a walking ghost or something."

"Gee, thanks," as he deadpanned, his phone suddenly vibrated. He takes it out from his pocket and checks the new message. It was Wang Yibo.

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