Chapter 21

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Frustration. That's what he felt. He felt extremely frustrated with the fact that he's being pathetic. This was not how things were supposed to work. He should really cheer up for real since Zhuocheng made the effort to do so.

Xiao Zhan takes a deep breath and smiled at Zhuocheng, "See? There's nothing to worry about anymore." He points his face which is clearer and the heavy bags under his eyes were barely obvious.

"You applied make-up?" Zhao Lei asked and Xiao Zhan sighed. "Oh, I wasn't supposed to say that..." Zhao apologized and Xiao Zhan just waved his hand in defeat. "Well at least I'm not crying!"

"But Zhan, you cried 10 minutes ago," Zhao Lei added and Zhuocheng just squinted his eyes at Xiao Zhan. "Zhao Lei!" He cried and facepalmed. "I was crying earlier because I lost my wallet and failed a test, okay?"

"Not about Yibo?"

"No!" He defended and showed his empty front pocket of his bag. "How much was inside your wallet?"

"I don't know, maybe I can buy a sandwich?"

"You're broke and broken," Zhao Lei commented and Xiao Zhan wanted to roll his eyes. "How sensitive of you."

"We just want you to stop being depressed, it's affecting your studies."

"I'm not! I'm totally fine. Just treat me to a meal."

Zhuocheng sighed as he slightly massaged his temples, "Pull your shit together, Zhan. Yibo's not worth crying for."

"Yes, yes, I know, okay? I'm waaaay passed that. Remember last week at the arcade?" he explained as he let out a "pshh," sound and rolled his eyes.

"I see," Zhuocheng gave him a knowing look and Xiao Zhan pretended that he didn't see anything. Geez, he was totally fine now!

• • •

"Emily, stop pestering me," Yibo growled as he shakes her hand away that was clinging at his arm. "Why not? You're lonely, alright?"

"I'm not, leave me be. I need to talk to Seungyoun," he said as he walked faster. Emily tried to match his pace but she was having some difficulty, since Yibo himself was tall, it was an ease to walk fast with long legs. "Seungyoun? Didn't I tell you he betrayed you? He didn't even warn you about Xiao Zhan!"

Wang Yibo stopped walking and Emily smirked to herself as she sees Yibo who had his back tirned came to an abrupt stop. "Seungyoun is my best friend. I'm not gonna be a dick and blame him for this, I know he has his reasons," Yibo explained with his fists slightly clenching at his side.

"But he lied-"

"Emily, did you really think I forgot what you did back in high school? I've tolerated you for 3 years now since our families are pretty close. I don't like people sticking their noses to businesses they shouldn't be involved, especially you, who is annoying as fuck."

Emily was startled, he didn't expect things to be this way, she thought she finally had Yibo in her control like he was in her palm all along. But she did not expect this. It seems like the naive Yibo back in high school really grew up. Emily was furious, it was embarrassing in a crowded place in the hallway to get yelled on like that, she bites her lower lip.

Maybe it's time to do some acting.

"Yibo, how could you say such awful things to me?" she croaked out as she puts a hand on her mouth, her brows slightly furrowed and the corner of her eyes started shimmering with tears. "After all this time staying by your side and supporting you, you're just pushing me away?"

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