Chapter 9

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Xiao Zhan was beyond confused with Wang Yibo's words. What does he mean by 'Wait for me'? This cold person is pretty hard to understand. Sometimes he teases or he just stays quiet and looks impassive.

He was about to ask what it actually means when the Ferris Wheel came back down and it was their turn to go down.

"Please be careful," the crew said as she opens the door of the ride. Xiao Zhan first stepped out and Yibo followed soon after.

"It's getting pretty late," Yibo says. Xiao Zhan looks at him and said, "What you said earlier," he starts. "What do you mean by that?"

Completely ignoring his question, Wang Yibo just replied simply, "Are you hungry for dinner?"

This guys truly doesn't want to say anything ah! As they walked around the park with decorated colorful lights, Xiao Zhan crossed his arms with a teddy bear. "How could you leave someone hanging? No explanation at all," he complains and the other man turns to look at him this time. "You never gave me a real explanation why you like me."

Xiao Zhan widens his eyes in surprise and immediately shuts up. This cold guy sure is scheming something and blackmailing him. Why does he want to find out so badly? He wants to know? Well, I didn't love you in the first place! That letter wasn't for you!

He mentally complained and sighed. "Let's just go and eat something light."

The two men went to a restuarant outside the theme park and it was rather quick since it was a long day.

Soon after, they went back to the parking lot and Yibo assists him with the car door. "Thanks," Xiao Zhan said and Yibo just hums in reply.

They silently drove off as Xiao Zhan stares outside the window. Towering buildings and trees, they passed by with a blur. "Xiao Zhan," the man said and upon hearing his name, he snapped out with his thoughts and turned to look at him. "Yes?"

"Is speaking to me really that hard?"

Xiao Zhan was taken a back with his words. "No, it's really nice talking to you," he quickly replied and he didn't notice how the other man's eyes soften.

"Now, I'm really curious why you love me," he said and gave Xiao Zhan a short glance. The said man immediately gulps, "Have you ever heard of other people's opinion as to why they like you, too?" He tried to avoid answering and Yibo paused for a while.

"My face and being rich," he said simply and Xiao Zhan felt quite upset upon hearing it. People really are gold diggers. It's quite sad. People are too materialistic.

"Rest assured, I don't like you because of that, there's something..." Xiao Zhan words died down as he realized he blurted some random things out. "Ahaha, well, look I'm already here!" He said as he sweatdropped and points his apartment on sight.

Wang Yibo didn't say anything and parks the car at the side. "Uh, thank you so much for today. I really had fun," Xiao Zhan said as he averted his gaze. "Me, too," Yibo replied shortly and the car was filled with silence. It was truly deafening to Xiao Zhan's ears.

"Well, I'll be-" cutting him off, "Still no goodbye kiss?" Wang Yibo asked with a smirk and Xiao Zhan felt embarrassed once more, "I still have a cold! Thank you very much!" He said rather loudly and immediately jumps out of the car and bows his head then completely running off to his apartment. Wang Yibo couldn't help but chuckle at the adorable sight of the man being embarrassed.

What a unique and beautiful person he is. He wouldn't mind falling in love again.

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