Prologue: The Missing Woman

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The eight stages of grief. Everyone seems to know them, but how many people have really felt the experience first hand? The experience of the person you love leaving, without ever being able to say goodbye. How many of us have experienced that?
A young sixth year with a bright future - so bright that it almost blinds those who look - has his world turned upside down.

Jade's P.O.V.

"Thank you for coming, my dear boy!" Professor Slughorn exclaimed, shaking Tom's hand. "And thank you my dear!" He said, enveloping me in a hug. Behind his back I made a face at Tom. Help me! was what it clearly said. He just laughed quietly, receiving a glare from me as Slughorn pulled back.

After minutes of pointless conversation, he let Tom and I go.

"You could've helped me," I said, crossing my arms.

"It was funny!" He said with the smirk.

I crossed my arms and started to walk faster. "Hey! You can't really be mad at me." He stepped in front of me, stoping me in my tracks. I didn't look at him. I would've smiled if I did. I could feel his smile being there without looking up. We just knew each other so well. We've been together for over a year now, him first making a move at around Christmas of fifth year. Unlike the other girls, drooling over him, I didn't really see any attraction until we started getting close. I judge on personality, not looks! I'm Halfblood. So is he. He's a Slytherin. I'm a Ravenclaw. We've been quiet about our relationship, but not really been trying to hide it.

"You can't resist me," Tom said, planting a kiss on my lips. I responded immediately, giving in to a smile.

"You know I can't," I replied, pulling away. "We have to get back to our common rooms before Filch catches us!" I gasped, looking at the time.

"Slughorn will get us out of trouble. We're his favorites and we'll just say he kept us past curfew."

"I don't like to lie, Tom," I said, sighing.


"But, I want to spend time with you."

"I know, Jade. I know," He replied, kissing me again. When he stopped, we walked hand in hand towards the Ravenclaw tower. Past the windows, I saw the dazzling stars. Then, I saw the moon. I've always loved the moon. I have a strange attraction to it. How it is the brightest thing we see at night, while getting it's light from elsewhere. Marvelous, if you ask me...

"Just imagine, Tom," I said breaking the silence. "Somewhere in a different place in the world, someone is looking up right now, at the same moon. It really connects us all..."

Tom dazed up at the moon with me. "It really is wonderful..." He said. We both appreciate all the small things in life. As Tom once said, 'Appreciating the small things in life is the only real way to live life to the fullest. Witch, Wizard, Squib or Muggle, you have to appreciate it all.' He has such a way with words!

We arrived at the door to my common room. "I'll see you tomorrow, okay?" I told him. He nodded in response. I was about to get the riddle when Tom spoke again.

"You know, you mean everything to me..."

"Tom? What are you saying?"

"I'm saying.... I don't know... I-I think I've fallen..."

"Your standing up straight perfectly fine," I said, making Tom laugh.

"No, I mean... I think I've fallen for you..." What!?! "I love you, Jade Turner." I was surprised to say the least. Stunned. Speechless. "I't fine. You don't have to say it back or anything..." He said awkwardly. Before he could even think, I kissed him. I felt my heart fluttering like a little school girl. Like nothing else mattered.

"If I didn't say it back, I would be lying to you and myself. I love you too, Tom Riddle," I confessed, grinning as I pulled away.

I left him there, entering my common room and falling asleep in my bed, heart content.

No Ones P.O.V.

Little did they know, that night was quite possibly the last night that they may ever see each other again.

That night, Jade disappeared. She left no trace. Her bed was still warm, sheets slept on, and by the time her room mate and best friend went to wake her up the next morning, she was gone. The orphaned girl, not having a family, seemed to have just disappeared into air itself. For years of searching did nothing. She was gone. Without a trace.

And here Tom was, stuck in the most dangerous stage of grief known to all; anger. Yes, this was the night Tim Riddle transformed into a snake-like monster. This was the night Tom Riddle became Lord Voldemort. And he wanted revenge.

A/N First off I'd like to thank everyone for getting me to over 50K reads and over 1K likes. It means so much to me even if I really apologizes for most of the chapters for my chapters following the most clique plot lines possible.

Second, my friend has been telling me for months of @ her so this is a shout out to my homie tiny tuna fish sandwich, @BT_Parker . Go check her out, she's amazing especially if you love original dystopian stories.

So yeah, thanks for everything and I hope you enjoy the story!


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