The Catching Up

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A/N I know that all these people in Jade's year aren't actually the right ages, but I'm just making it that way for this story.

Jade's P.O.V.

A storm is brewing out there. We can all sense it. We best be ready when it hits.

"It really is her!" Harry says excitedly.

"We can't know that for sure yet, Harry," Hermione points out.

"Out of all the names in the world, she says 'Tom.' We have good chances, Hermione," Ron says, backing up his best mate.

"I know. But we have to wait for her to wake up. We have to be sure it is her," Hermione said, backing up her case.

"Don't worry. I'm up," I say, opening my eyes.

"Jade! How are you feeling?" Hermione asks, looking me over to see if I'm alright.

"I remember everything," I say.


"I am really Jade Turner."

Silence. For a moment at least. "Ha! I knew it!" Ron exclaimed, making Hermione and I roll our eyes.

"What happened to Tom? How long has it been. I was always rubbish at math..."

"It's been about sixty years..."

"WHAT!?! Is Tom even alive?"

"Tom Riddle, right," Harry asks.

"Yes, do you know him?"

Hermione gives a cold laugh. "Oh we know him alright..."

"Why do you say it like that? Did he bully you guys? Because I'm gonna have to talk to him about that..."

"No... He didn't 'bully' us per say. You know how we mentioned a war going on. Your the one who has to kill the main leader..."

"Woah... Lot's of responsibility..."

"The thing is... The leader... The leader is kind of Tom Riddle..." Ron says quietly.


"SHHH... They'll find us if your that loud..." Harry says, but sinks back when I glare at him.

"No, no, no... How did this happen??? How did he go bad???"

"Well... I think it may have been because of you. When you vanished, he thought you had died so he wanted to humiliate death so much that he became evil so he could live for forever. It is a scheme for revenge," Hermione explained

"This can't be happening... I need to see him."

"We can't just go marching into Malfoy Manor..." Ron said.

"Malfoy!?! He's still around?"

"Yes, why?" Harry asked.

"He's the reason this all happened. He is the one who took me."

"WHAT!?!?!?!" Now they all blew up.

"I remember a hooded figure taking me. I didn't see anything but a long strand of blonde hair. No one has hair like the Malfoy's. It's one of a kind..."

"That's true... But why do you still look only sixteen?" Hermione comments.

"The aging spell was probably cast wrong. But if I'm correct, I will probably be able to age from here on... On another note, how strong is Tom? Because if he's evil, he's using Dark Magic, am I correct?" I ask. They nod. "Because that's not good. We dueled first day of first year in the halls with forth year spells, doing them for the first time on each other. We had only had first day of classes. All the spells we used had come from books which we read be ourselves..."

"That's really powerful..." Hermione murmured not taking her eyes off me. "Well, if you were able to do that too, then you have to be powerful as well..."

"I am. I'm an elementalist. Which is a power that Tom surely doesn't have..."

"Woah! Your an elementalist! That's crazy!" Hermione said in awe.

"Yup. I've also created my own spells. Take praesidio for example. It is my very own spell that can block anything for as long as controlled. It can even block the killing curse, unlike protego."

"That's amazing!!!" Hermione exclaimed.

"Well, I think that with about sixty years of no magic, I need to practice what I still got," I suggested.

"Here, take this wand. It's an extra from a snatcher," Ron said holding out a basic wand.

"Nah. I hardly ever used a wand during sixth year. Let's do this."

We trained all day. Slept all night. Repeated that process for weeks. We moved around every three days.

I grew more and more powerful the more practice I had. Even Hermione's magic wasn't a challenge for me.

After about a month of this schedule, we had become restless.

"We're going to Hogwarts," Harry decided.

"When?" Ron asked.


"We need a plan."

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