The Restoration of Hope

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"How can you say that!?!" Potterette - I don't think she'll be a Potter for much longer - yells at Harry. "I did this," She says, gesturing her arms at the crowd and in the air, "for us! Your just being-"

"What am I being Ginny? Tell me," Harry challenged his future ex. "Did ever cross your dim minds that I never wanted this?" He yells, tone rising, getting sharper and sharper with every new word. "No. I didn't. Maybe your next husband will," He finished cooly, turning his back to her and facing Hermione and I.

"What do you mean 'next husband'!?!" She shrieked. 

"Didn't you get the message, Weaslette?" I ask her, trying to keep my emotions in control. "He doesn't want to be with a lying deceiver like yourself."

"Stay out of this! You have no right to even talk to a superior like me especially in that manner!" The She-Weasel yelled, pointing a cubby little finger at me. 

I opened my mouth, but Harry got there before me. "You are in no way superior to Jade! She is ten - no a thousand - better than you are and ever will be! And she's right, once again unlike you! She knows I don't want all this fame crap. She is right about the fact that you are no longer what I call a wife!"

Silence washed over the room, only broken by the outraged scream She-Weasel yelled, stomping out of the room.

"You! How dare you! This was all for you! And you go and ruin it! Ungrateful little-" Weasley yelled, stomping closer up to Harry, yanking out his wand. 

I immediately held my hands up, creating a similar barrier that I had made all those years ago when Harry and Voldemort stood face to face.

"Weasley. You best be glad your not getting arrested for this," I snarled at him.

Harry's eyes flicked right over to me. "He's not? They're not?" He asked me. He wasn't mad, more surprised, but I could see the want in them. They ruined his true best friend's life. He wanted them to pay for what they had done.

"No. They're not. Instead, they will leave England, Scotland - heck, they'll leave Europe and the best never return. If they do, hell is their's to pay." The Golden Duo (Harry and Hermione) seemed to accept this as an answer, both being forgiving in their nature. 

As Aurors helped escort Weasley out of the room, some going to locate the She-Weasel, the rest of the Weasleys' all came rushing forward in a sea of red hair, apologizing to all of us profusely. I instantly forgave them, knowing they had nothing to do with anything Ginevra and Ronald's plan to rule the world. Fame really went into their brains...

I slipped away from the group of Redheads surrounding the Boy-Who-Lived and the Smartest Witch of her age, going towards the exit of the Great Hall, however a small group of people were there, and they were waiting for me. And they wanted to talk. 

"Jade! We're sorry! We're so so so sorry we didn't recognize you!" Knot exclaimed, rushing over to me, Rookwood right behind him, his tone pleading. 

"Yeah! We didn't recognize you! We're soooo sorry!" Rookwood exclaimed, following Knot's example.

I just laughed at them. "Don't worry about it guys. It wasn't your fault. Some spells can't be broken that easily - especially when you don't know that its there."

"So... We're good?" Rookwood asked me. 

"We're good," I replied, going into a hug, but pulled away at the last second. "Wait. I'm sorry for lying to you about Tom all those years back."

My eyes must have showed how much I needed their forgiveness. They forgave me right away. "You did what you had to do. You did what was right," Knot said, both of them attacking me with a giant, warm hug. It felt amazing to be with two of my best friends.

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