The Reason

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Hermione held a horrified expression on her face. Overcoming the initial shock, I laughed. Laugh it off. Laugh off the lies. "And, why would I do that?" I asked, smiling down at them.

"Because you love him," Weasley spat out, spitting the word 'love' out as if it were some poison that needed to get out of his body. Something he couldn't handle to live with.

"Please, I don't love murderers," I said, internally grimacing at the hateful words pouring out of my mouth. One lie after another.

"But you do. We have proof," Potterette spat. She knows too!?! Even Hermione looked surprised at that revelation.

"And what proof is that?" I asked laughing it off. 

"Well, for starters, no one really saw you kill him. Are we expected to just take your word for it? I mean, the most evil wizard of all time isn't going to just destroy all his horcruxes because he sees an old school friend," Potter pointed out. How dare he. We were so much more than that-are so much more than that.

"It's called the power of love, Potter. Something you obviously don't understand," I spat.

"There! Our proof! You loved him! You let him go!" Potterette exclaimed triumphantly.

"That may be some of the dumbest logic I've ever heard! Don't you remember the prophecy?" I ask turning to the boys. "I will be the one to vanquish that Dark Lord? How is that prophecy fulfilled if I so-called never killed him?" Finally! A point with solid evidence, that even left me confused today. I was supposed to vanish him, but he's still alive...

"We never knew if it was really fulfilled, now do we? It was destroyed before we had the chance to know." Crap.

"Okay, then why have no attacks been spotted since the war? How has he not been sighted?"

"Well, I can only imagine he was with you. After all, you went missing as well." Dang it! They got smarter...

"Well, I'm here now. He's not. Explain that."

"You left him in hiding. Most likely with an army of your own... I knew we shouldn't have brought you back..." Weasley pointed out.

"Why on earth would I make an army with him!?!" 

"LOVE!!! YOU LOVED HIM!" Potterette exploded.

I sighed. This was getting no where. Time for a new tactic...

"Fine," I said sighing. "Maybe your right and I didn't kill him. And that I know where he is right now. And I can get there easily. But I will never tell you anything." Hermione's eyes lite up like the headlights before a crash. Bright, blinding. The betrayal in them made my flinch. She was one of the few I trusted.

"See! I knew it!" Potter yelled happily.

"Yeah, but I'm not gonna tell you how to get him..." I said, crossing my arms. I wasn't going to give up the love of my life to some power-hungry, wealth-sniffing snobs like these guys.

"But that's where you're wrong. It's in the prophecy. You have to kill him. After all, it's your fate," Weasley said. It honestly sounded rehearsed. I didn't think 'fate' was in his vocabulary, and it only has one syllable! I'd hate to of taught him... The essays would've been cringe worthy-well, he probably copied off of Hermione...

"I'm not going to hurt him!" I cried out, a vase exploding in the corner due to my anger simmering, threatening to overrun my body. Control. It seems that I'm still a bit rusty...

"But I think you will," Potterette smirked in an evil manor. I'd only seen that type of smirk once and it was on Tom's-well, Voldemort at the time's face. 

"Imperio!" Potter yelled, thrusting his wand out. Seems that I still had a little bit in me, as I was able to deflect it with a flick of my hand.

"How dare you. You say that the only way for you to be happy is to kill Tom, but he is twice the man you are. You are just a monster. He is the good. You're the so-called evil. Someday, your plans will fail and we'll be the ones laughing as your in a cell rotting away in Azkaban!" I lost it... Whoops...

"Women..." I heard Weasley mutter under his breath.

"How dare she!" Potterette cursed angrily..

"We'll find her. And get our revenge. Mark. My. Words," Potter snarled, watching as I disappeared into a heap of black dust, apparating away.

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