The Ten Years

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A/N I decided to include some important moments within the ten years on the island. Enjoy.

Ten years. They stayed together for ten years. Alone on the island. 

The first year:

"What are we doing today?" I ask Tom who was just sitting up in bed, awoken from his sleep. No nightmares tonight. That's a change...

"I have a surprise for you later," He replied mysteriously, planting a kiss my lips. 

I pouted. "You know I don't like surprises..."

"Well, I think you may like this one. I hope so at least..." I smirked at his uncertainty.

"And what makes you so sure about that?"

"Because I love you," He replied smiling at me. 

"I love you to." And I'll leave the rest to your imagination...


It was nightfall now. The stars had just came out, breaking through the thick layers of darkness with their glimmering beauty.

No surprise yet... Tom had taken me on a date and everything. I was beginning to think that the date was the only surprise-not that it was a bad date! It was a very nice one. We took a boat ride around the island with no magic. We both took turns rowing by ourselves and together. It was fun. We ate on the boat some sandwiches that I had packed knowing about our little fun date.

I was getting ready for bed now. I was in my pajamas now, reading a book in bed. I didn't know where Tom was for some reason, but I payed it no mind...

Right as I was getting to the part where the prince gets thrown off a horse, I heard a tapping on my window. I placed my book down, reluctantly of course (bookmarks are for quitters, what can I say), I approached the window.

I saw one note. It was taped to the window sill. No owl in sight...

I opened the window and took it inside. "Jade" was written on the front of the board envelope. The font was a cursive type one, almost-but not quite-in calligraphy. The letters were slightly shaken, as though the author of the note was nervous while writing it. 

I opened the quick parchment, letting the familiar smell reach my nose. It only had two words on it. "Come outside."

For some reason, I did. The whole situation was suspicious, but I went anyways. As the door closed with a small thud behind me, I took in my familiar surroundings. The trees, the rusty sent combined with that of the salty ocean. 

My night gown flew in the wind, as I took the path leading to the sea. The wind ruffled my hair, spending it sprawling behind me. 

Then, I saw the rose petals. They covered the path. My night gown blew behind me, tickling my legs with its touch. "Tom?" I called out into the darkness.

No response.

But I didn't need one. I saw him. He was standing in the same spot I had apparated to just a year ago. The start of a new chapter. 

When I saw him, I suddenly felt underdressed... There he was in his tux, while I was standing here in my pajamas...

"Tom?" I asked again, not trying to find him, but trying to get him to explain why he was out here in his most formal dress wear imaginable... Here I were, standing in the beach, sand under my toes, water lapping up touching my feet with their warm ocean touch, then retracting back down to the sea of mysteries, leaving only a tingling sensation in their wake.

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