The Ball

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Jade's P.O.V.

Changing into that dress made me feel like a whole different person. A princess. Like I was a part of a fairytale, about to go the ball to find a Prince Charming. But I knew that that wasn't the case.  I was fighting to get my legacy back. As of right now, I had no idea if I was going to get a happy ending, or if I would be able to get people to remember me. Not to mention the fact that I've already found my Prince Charming.

I walked down the tiny staircase in Spinner's End. Sev was at the bottom. His mouth dropped when he saw me.

"Close your mouth. You'll catch flies," I told him, smirking as he closed his mouth in embarrassment. "Anyways, do you think I'll do?" I asked him cheekily.

"Oh shut it. Of course you will!" He exclaimed, joining in with my laughter.

Over the years, Sev had lightened up a bit. Well, at least outside of school. He frequently laughed with us, made jokes, snide remarks that send everyone into fits of laughter, and was a person with a kind heart that you could depend on. In side of school... Well, let's just say even with his position as Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor, he is still the strict potions Professor that so many knew him as. Less biased towards his house, but still strict. In a way he's like Minerva. Strict but dependable. Still, no one wants to cross him. Especially Peeves...

I didn't tell him this, but I so desperately wanted to close my eyes and for maybe just a moment pretend that it was Tom and not Severus. But I couldn't. He couldn't be here. Not now. When it isn't safe for him. Yet... 

"Well, let's go shall we. We're already late as it is. Someone took too long getting ready..." Sev mumbled the last part jokingly. 

"Hey! I want to make a big entrance. Haven't you ever heard of, fashionably late?" I asked, smirking. Man, Tom really rubbed off on me. I keep smirking!

"Well, I will meet you in there. See you in a bit, Turner," He said joining my smirk.

"I haven't been called Turner in years, Sev. You know this."

"Yes, but there may be lots a reminiscing tonight. Might as well start here." I rolled my eyes at his logic.

"I would make a remark about that, but we're already late. Come on! Go. I'll be there in a few minutes," I told Sev. With the nod of his head, he disapparated away to Hogsemead.

I was left alone in Spinner's End. I was nervous. I always called my nerves butterflies, like the muggles say. I like to think of it that way. It may have something to do with my being connected to nature, elemantalist and all... I don't know.

But finally, the clock struck Nine O'Clock.

It was show time.

I disapparated. Straight into Hogwarts. How did I go in straight away, with all the wards? Magic.

In back of the doors that led to the Great Hall. This was the last place I had been before I fled. The is the last place I'd seen after I left.

I was ready though.

I used magic to force the doors to open. All those years without magic make you a bit rusty, but it's nothing I can't handle.

The doors opened, and I stepped inside. I was met with silence. It seems that I had interrupted Hermione Granger's speech. The Minister of Magic's opening words. 

Then, the whispers started. Where did she get that dress? Do you think she'll dance with me? Stop staring at her! I'm your date! Was she in the war? Does she know she's late? Interrupted the Minister. No doubt she's a rich and greedy pureblood... and most importantly, Who is that? No one seemed to have an answer for that one.

Besides all of the staring, my eyes scanned the crowd. I couldn't see any redheads, or a messy black haired man with round glasses, so instead, I stared at the women on the stage wearing the red and gold dress. The Minister. Hermione. Granger

I stared at her. She stared back at me in disbelief. "Hello, Minister," I spoke, making the whispers all stop for a second and then erupt back up, louder this time. The look on Granger's face was priceless.

Even from this distance, I could see the recognition in her eyes. She was openly staring at me, not caring. I also saw another flicker come across her face. Was it? It couldn't be... Hope?

I started making my way towards her, but before I was even close to the stage, I saw a man with big glasses and another with red hair poke their heads out from a door on the side. Potter. Weasley. They saw me and their eyes grew wide. I watched their heads retract into the room once again, only to have six more men exit. I didn't recognize them, so I continued to walk. Hermione's eyes had pity in them now.

Before I saw it coming, the men had surrounded me. Hermione looked like she wanted to stop them. Then it clicked. Hermione didn't want this. She wanted me to be known. She was on my side.

I knew what was about to happen. The special guards of Potter and Weasley. They lunged at me and got a good grip. I saw Severus on the side stand from his table. I shook my head towards him and watched as he sat back down.

I then looked back up to Hermione and winked.

Before anyone knew what was happening, I used the wind. The guards let go of my arms and were forced backwards. My dress transfigured back into its original form. A nice shirt and pants.

"I'll be back," Was all I said as I vanished. 

I wish I'd stayed for the rest, only going invisible, but I didn't think of that at the time. After the wind, people took out their wands. There were too many there. I couldn't even that on that many at a time...

I heard from Sev that after I left, the Ball ended early. No speeches made. And I made the front page of every Newspaper. 

They all talked about my final line and who I was. "I'll be back," Was what I said. It isn't a lie. I will be back. For Potter and Weasley. They won't even know what hit them.

But Hermione. She's on my side. Then, why did she marry the Weasel? Pressure? I don't know... But I do know that I have a plan.

A plan to get to the Minister.

A new plan to get the world to remember my name.

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