The Explanations

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Jade's P.O.V.

"What just happened?" I asked once again.

"Magic," Was what Harry said. Really? I thought that now would be a time where we keep joke telling to a minimum...

"What happened?" I asked again, glaring at Harry.

"Magic," Ron said. Okay, if this was their idea of a joke, then they really need help. I glared at him too.

Hermione sighed. "Honestly, I thought you would have been a little better at explaining than that..." She said addressing them before turning to me. "We can do magic. This isn't a joke either. I'm a witch. They are Wizards. You know that private school we said that we had all gone to? We said it was called PigFarts?Well, thats not true. We went to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Its in Scotland."

What? "Y-you mean magic is... real?" I asked, flabbergasted.

"Yup! Look. Wingardium Leviosa," Hermione said, pointing her stick at a cup. It started to float.

My eyes widened up in shock. That's crazy. I mean... wow...

She put the cup back down. "You probably noticed how we didn't let you outside once... Well, that's because we didn't want you to know about magic... But considering the circumstances, we had to tell you... We have been living in a tent for months with spells around it so no one can find us..."

"Why?" I ask.

"We're on the run..." Ron said.

"WHAT!?! Are you telling me that your convicts?" I ask, afraid of the answer.

"Technically, yes..." Harry replies.

"WHAT!?!" I yell.

"Those people... They're looking for us..." Hermione tried to explain.

"Who are they?" I ask, sounding a little angry that they didn't bother telling me any of this before. But they seem so nice... How can they be convicts?

"Death Eaters," Ron replied.

"What?" Who ever these people are, I don't like the sound of them...

I was expecting Hermione to answer, but Harry jumped in.

"What Ron meant to say was it was the people after us. There is a whole wizarding world. Most Witches and Wizards live peacefully. But some don't. Some go bad. There is currently a war going on right now. And I am the number one desired..."

"Desired by who? And why?" I ask eagerly wanting to know about their world, knowing that they are fighting for good and are only convicted by the bad guys.

"We can't say his name. There is a tracker on it so that he can find who ever says it. A taboo. And he wants Harry because of a prophecy saying that Harry is the "Chosen One" who has the power to kill him... or at least thats what everyone thought until recently..." Hermione murmured.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"We found out the prophecy had been tampered with recently. Harry won't be killing You-Know-Who. He has to find the girl who has the power to kill him. The only problem is that she may be dead for all we know..." Hermione explained.

"What was her name?" I asked.

She eyed me carefully. Her eyes didn't leave me as she told me, "Jade Turner." That name sounded so familiar... But where had a heard it? On the street somewhere?

"That name sounds familiar... I may have heard someone say it before... I just don't remember where..." I had another memory. Of a man yelling something. Like they were being called. "Jade Turner!" It was. The voice was low, and seemed to come from a person with a slight Irish accent... But where was it from???

This was weird. Getting two memories within a month... The last memory I had gotten was when I first woke up and remembered someone whispering the name Jade. That's how I chose my name. It just sounded right...

"Now that she knows about everything... Shouldn't we... I don't know... Try to see if it's her...?" Ron suggested.

"See if I'm who?" I asked confused. Harry and Hermione seemed to understand what he was saying.

I looked back and forth between the two of them, and connected the dots. They wanted to put a spell on me to see if I was her. To see if I was Jade Turner.

"Let's do it..." I agreed.

"You understand that it might not work. Nothing may happen..." Hermione said cautiously.

"I do. But I want to try. Let's do this."

Hermione looked over at Harry and Ron, to receive a nod from both before turning back to me and pulling out her wand.

"Yes, let's do this."

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