The Find

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Jade's P.O.V.
(Trigger Warning!!!)

The Slytherins (minus Severus) had apparated me to Malfoy Manor. I wasn't surprised by the sight of the house. Big, cold, dark, and lifeless.

Silently, we walked over to the gates. Crabbe walked right through. As did Goyle. I noticed that there was some barrier that would not allow me entry if I were to cross over.

"Guys, can you let down the barrier?" I ask quietly.

"Oh, yeah. I forgot about that..." Rookwood mumbled.

I heard him mutter a quick spell, and I saw the near translucent barrier fade away into nothing.

I stepped through with Nott.

As we neared the front doors of the gloomy house, I felt a strong surge of magic coming from inside.

"I think it'd be best if I went in alone..." I tell them.

"But-" Nott starts but Goyle shoves him to shut up. "Fine..." I hear him mumble.

I nod to them one last time, before turning to the great black door. I put my hand on it's hard wooden surface, and it instantly unlocked. Grabbing the handle, I pushed the door open, gaining entry to the old house.

I followed the trail of magic. It was dark magic. Strong magic. I knew it had to be from him.

I let my instincts bring me to a hallway. The walls were painted a dark green color, the only light coming from a small ball of fire floating a mere inch above Jade's hand. One one room was attached to it. It had dark oak doors at the end of the long hall.

The doors were closed, but it was were the magic was coming from.

I go to the doors, picking up my pace but still not running. I tried the handle. Locked.

Dang it! And it was a strong locking spell. Alohamora didn't work.

— Trigger Warning for this part —

There was only one choice. "Bombarda!" I yelled it through my panic. The magic was getting too strong. But it was now pulsing. Slower and slower each time. It seemed to be dying...

The door fell off it's hinges, and blew into the room. I summoned wind as quickly as I could, to stop the door from falling on the ground, potentially crushing something. I made it rest against a wall, dropping it softly, but quickly. The magic was almost gone now...

Looking around the room, I saw a mass of black smoke. It was almost blinding. The thick smoke took shape of objects. I saw my fears in it. I saw Voldemort's serpent face. I saw a sixteen year old Tom's face.

Pulling my eyes away, I focused on the source of the smoke. Objects. One a cup. The cup of Hufflepuff. Another a diadem. The diadem of Ravenclaw. A locket. Slytherin's locket. All have a cut through them. The horcruxs. They're gone. He destroyed them.

But where is he?

Then, I saw him. Sprawled on the floor. I ran to his side. The blood was everywhere. His wrists.

They had deep marks in them.

He tried to kill himself.

He tried to commit suicide because of me...

"Jade..." I heard him mutter before all the smoke suddenly disappeared. The smoke was gone, just like his pulse.

Harry's P.O.V.

When Jade walked away, the remaining Death Eaters just stood there, not knowing what to do. Some apparated away. Others handed themselves in to the Aurors. Some tried firing spells at us (which was unsuccessful) which ended up with them getting captured. They were brought straight to Azkaban.

Hermione, Ron and I talked quietly about the events that had just occurred. She destroyed a horcrux with just her presence. Its how so will defeat him. I just know it!

(A/N Harry is not a horcrux. He just has a special connection with Voldemort which is why he can look through his brain.)

As I watched Jade walk away from us all, with her old friends, I realized something.

She doesn't belong with us.

No matter how close of a friendship we make, no matter how much trust we have for each other, she doesn't belong with us.

She belongs with those Death Eaters. Her real friends. Best friends.

She still loves him.

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