The Dark Lord

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Voldemort's P.O.V.

"You let them GO!?!" I yelled at the imbecile snatchers on their knees in the main living room of Malfoy Manor.

"My Lord-" The lead one started.

"I don't remember asking you to talk," I told him. With a laugh I pulled out my wand. "Crucio."

Ahhh, yes. Their screams were music to my ears. Being the merciful lord I am, I waited for them to beg me for death. "Avada Kedavra," I said with the lazy flick of the wand. Just like that, dead. My fun: over. I repeated until the whole groups' blood stained the dark floors, seeping into every little crack. Their unmoving bodies littered around the room, eyes looking like a pit of nothingness. No light. Just Soulless.

"Lucius. Draco. Narcissa. Clean up this mess," I ordered the waste of a Pureblooded line.

"Yes, My Lord," They murmured together. At least they know who their superiors are.

I walked out of the room, cloak billowing behind me.

Nagini found me in the halls of the manor.

"We can't figure out why the Potter boy was outside of some muggle neighborhood, Master," Nagini hissed.

I nodded at her, addressing her presence and continued to my study, only turning to see Nagini turning to leave. Watching her go, a light outline the window she slithered past caught my eye. The moon. The only light in the sky that was visible tonight.

I tore my gaze away from that annoying distraction that seemed to mock me were every I went.

But I wasn't going to let it stop me. I have a job to complete.

I wasn't worried about Potter and his friends. In fact, I was excited to watch Potter see every single on of his friends die, right before I sent him to his grave. As I've said before, I want to see the light leave his eyes.

All my Horcruxes were safe, and that's all that mattered. I want to show them all that no one can kill me.

I am immortal.




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