The Ministry

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I disguised myself. I couldn't be noticed, could I?

I transfigured my eyes to be a light blue color, and my hair to be a deep brown like Tom's, even with the curls.

I wore some clothes that Severus some how found. I didn't ask how he got them... I don't really want to know...

Anyways, I apparated into the Ministry, trying to blend in. It wasn't really hard. I mean, thousands of people are walking in and out all the time, how can they keep track of it all? So I walked right in, pretending to be some dumb Ministry worker, and hopped into the lift. 

The momentum got hit me, sending me forward, but I regained my composer as I held onto the handle on the ceiling. There was this guy behind me who was eyeing me suspiciously. I didn't pay him any attention.

Anyways, the lies that Potter has fed to everyone. You know, how they broke into the Ministry undetected and took the locket right off of Umbridge's neck? Yeah, I did just that, minus the polyjuice and the Death Eaters around every corner. I think I got the easier situation...

Anyways, I wasn't going to the court room like they said that they did to fight Umbridge. No, I was going straight to the Minister of Magic's office. Hermione's.

The lift stopped, and I waited, thinking that the man was going to get out. When he didn't I looked up, taking myself out of my thoughts, as the other guy coughed, still eyeing me.

"Oh, sorry. I must've spaced out..." I said quietly, realizing that this was the Minister's floor. I walked out of the lift, thankful to be away from that creep...

I walked down the wide, colorless hallway, past all the people sitting there, stuck working at their desks. I walked straight over to the little door that held a waiting room to speak to the Minister with.

I didn't bother knocked. I mean, it only went into the little waiting room. I wouldn't have to know on this door... 

As I stepped into the room, all the outside noise vanished. I was left with this small room. There was a secretary sitting at a desk, and two body guards standing outside of a door I assumed the Hermione's office.

I decided to try and play by the rules a bit (for once). "Excuse me," I said, walking up to the front desk. I was met with the sight of a women. I recognized her as Lavender Brown, that girl who Hermione must of had some drama with in her past. I remember her from the battle. Anyways, as I walked over and talked to her, her head shot up, sizing me up.

"Do you have an appointment?" She asked. "Because it seems that no one is scheduled for at least an hour and a half. She's on a lunch break." I couldn't have timed this any better.

"Yes, I don't have an appointment but-"

"Well then, I'm sorry but no appointment no talking to the Minister. She's a busy women, you know."

"I can assure you that this if of urgent matter."

"Well, if it was urgent, you should've made an appointment. Or at least have just sent a letter." That doesn't make sense... She really is crazy. I see that even with time passing, she still is annoying.

"Yes, well, it is too long to write a letter and too last minute to have made an appointment."

"Well, that's just an excuse. You are not seeing the Minster and my decision is final."

"Is it though?" I moved away from her, feeling three sets of eyes on me. Lavender's and the two guards. 

I walked right up to the Minister's door, but before I could do anything else, two strong pairs of hands grabbed my arms from behind, making me unable to move them.

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