The Revelation

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"You see here! Your so called 'heroes' abuse their so-called 'love.' How can you trust these people!?!" I was met with silence. "I know all about the so-called story of the Boy-Who-Lived well-well enough to know that he knows a valuable lesson. One must not tell lies." I turn directly to Potter now. "So please, Harry. You can reverse this and all will be forgiven." I tell him.

The red-heads looks absolutely livid at me saying this, even going far enough to bare their teeth. Harry just looked uneasy. 

"She just fell! No big deal!" Potterette snarled out at me. 

"Why would she hide that then?" I asked her, glaring in return.

"She's a women! She doesn't want to ruin her perfect look!" Weasley yelled angrily.

"Sexist much?" I muttered. "They don't treat Hermione properly. They aren't innocent! They lie! I was the one to kill To-er-Voldemort!" I cried out.

I was met with silence. No one said anything. Looking out into the crowd, I saw faces of shock, faces considering all of what I've said, but some faces were enraged just like the Weasley's on stage with me. Hermione had gone to the corner of the stage now, trying to hide her tears. Harry looked kind of confused. 

"Fine! You caught us! We did erase you from history!" Gasps were heard echoing throughout the hall from the youngest Weasley boy's revelation. 

He nodded in Potterette's direction. She caught on to what he was trying to do, shocked face being immediately erased. "Oh yes! We did it because we didn't think you should be in history. You know, 'cause you lied to the world and all." I paled. Dang... They got smarter... Well, maybe I wouldn't go that far. They learned how to use their brain possibly. That makes more sense...

"Yes! She never really killed her precious Voldemort. She lied to us all and let him escape! She helped him survive!" Weasley yelled.

"But that means...-" Someone in the crowd thought out loud.

"Yes. Voldemort is still alive!" Potterette called out. Chaos. That was what came first-and, well, would've stayed like that if I hadn't intervened. 

"Quiet!" I yelled, getting everyone's attention. I suppressed myself from rolling my eyes. They looked as though Quirrell just came through the door and announced that a troll was in the dungeons to a bunch of teenagers...

"Your right. We do need quiet," Weasley interrupted me. "Harry. Take off the spell. Let them remember. Let them see her betrayal!"

I didn't think that Harry would follow through with that plan. I didn't think that he would allow himself to be ordered around like that. But he did. Walked calmly through the crowd of people thinking they were about to die and left to the Ministry. Shocked, I made eye contact with Hermione who just looked at me helplessly through her tears. I didn't make a move towards her though. Not yet. I needed to be ready for what was to come.

I knew Harry had done it by the gasps that filled the hall. The recognition passed through all of their faces. Disbelief. Shock. Anger. Betrayal-the latter of the emotions from glances towards me. 

"Y-You let him go! You let the murderer go and we all believed that you had killed him!" Someone yelled pointing at me.

"Get a grip on yourselves. It's not like he's attacked anyone in like ten years! He hasn't even left an island for that long!" I yelled, defensive of Tommy-yes, Tommy. Don't judge me. 

"There is no army! There are no Death Eaters! This new, revised version of history that makes Tom look like a loveless boy who hates everything he sees is a lie. Sure, he was conceived under a love potion but remember all what Dumbledore said? Love is the most powerful form of magic there is. It can't be contained with a spell or a potion! It's what saved Harry from a curse that was supposedly impossible to survive. What's to say that it doesn't allow you to break out of an impossible curse!

"Stop believing what is fake! There are people in here that were his friends! Most of the people here were with us in our school years. It was only my disappearance that caused him to go evil! He was grieving and was angry! There is no excuse for his behavior but now-now he is a sulking man, followed by the ghost of his past!"

Silence followed my little rant. 

"Well... I think we should point out the fact that the Ron, Ginny, Harry and Hermione all knew the truth and didn't do anything about it. They erased her! They were dishonest just to get fame and money!" Someone yelled out. Knott. I gave him a thankful smile, which he returned with a nod which for now, was enough. 

After Knott's exclamation, all hell broke loose. No one knew what to think. 

"I would like to bring to attention that none of this is Hermione's fault!" I yelled out, stopping a majority of the chaos, getting Hermione's injuries back into the light of people's minds.

"Ronald! How could you do that to your wife!" Molly Weasley's voice rang out the loudest. 

"You were supposed to be on our side, Ginny! Your just as evil!" George yelled, his usual happy demeanor no where in sight. 

"And!" A strong, loud, baritone voice spoke out from a corner of the hall, coming out from the shadows. "I believe that Mr. Potter here is not to blame either. I know his eyes and those aren't them. They seem... empty..."

"What do you mean Snape!?!" Someone yelled from across the hall.

"I believe that the imperious curse has something to do with that!" He declared, all eyes going to Weasley and Potterette's faces. 

Ronald glowed bright red. 

"Weasley. I swear if you don't take that curse off right now..." I threatened, the air temperature in the room accidentally rising.

"Why should I do what you say?" He snarled back at me, backing away from me slowly as I approached him with haste. Just touching him made him pull back even more, leaving a burn mark on him wrist where I tried to grasp him. What can I say, when I'm angry, things get real. 

"Fine! I'll do it!" Ron took out his wand and tried to fire a spell at me quickly. I didn't know he could move that fast. Well, he was fast, but not fast enough. I blocked it with ease and my glare alone was enough to make him mutter a spell at Harry, dropping him from the curse. 

Harry looked around for a moment in wonder, eyes landing on Ron's and Ginny's, then glancing down towards his hands, eyes lightening as he moved each one. He them lifted his gaze up from his hands towards Ron and Ginny, fire blazing in them. 

"How could you Ron? You're supposed to be my best friend!" He turned to Ginny. "And you! What happened to the girl in the chamber of secrets all those years ago? What happened to the girl in the common room after the Quidditch match? The women I married? Where did you go?"

"I'm right here, honey," Ginny said, coming in for a kiss. Harry shoved her off. 

"You are not the women I married. You are not the women I love," He spat.

A/N I am soooooo sorry for not uploading. I've even been quarantined for about a month and only uploaded this once before. I just have awful writers block, but I'm making it my goal to finish this story by the time I'm out of quarantine. To all of you who are still reading this, thanks for sticking around and dealing with my horrible uploading schedule. Stay safe guys, and thanks for helping me reach 4.5K reads!


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