The Goodbye's

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A month passed. A month of Tom trying and trying to keep Jade from leaving the safety of their island.

But he got no where. She didn't budge from her decision. She was going. 

Going to show Potter, The-Boy-Who-Lived, "Savior of the Wizarding World" that Jade Turner may not be here anymore, but Jade Riddle was.

And she wasn't happy with the Golden Trio.

The night Severus came to pick up Jade, was a night that was strange for everyone. The day before, Jade and Tom told their kids the real reason why they were stuck on the island. Their kids, of course, forgave them and held nothing against either of their pasts, knowing that they were still the same person as they were before they knew about what they had been through.

The day was a strange one. The kids had never seen any of their parents use magic. The Ministry would be able to track them if they did. They always assumed that their Uncle Severus was using a boat that he parked on the other side of the island. But once everything was explained, they were in awe. In awe of the world that their parents had tried to leave behind, in awe of what their parents were, and in awe about their newly discovered abilities. It was a day of discovery.

Then, they had to say goodbye to their mother. They didn't know when she would be coming home. Their Father didn't even seem to know this. That is what scared them. If their Daddy didn't know, than no one did.

They had never seen Tom and Jade so upset. Tom, devastated that Jade was leaving, and Jade broken that she had to leave her family behind. "I just wish that when I come back home, you can return to the world with me, a free man," Was the only sentence the kids caught of their parents sad goodbye.

When they heard the 'crack' signaling their Mum's and Sev's exit, they let out a sigh. Their Father tried to keep spirits up, but the kids could tell he felt as though something was missing in his life without Jade.

What they couldn't tell, was what Tom was really thinking. With Jade gone, for the first time in years, he was scared. The last time Jade left him, he had turned into Lord Voldemort. He was scared. Afraid of hurting his children. Scared of making a bad choice. Petrified of becoming evil again.

But he had to get through with it. He had to accept that Jade was fighting for her freedom, his freedom, their kids' freedom, and their legacy. 

And she would not back down until she justified herself, and her family. She won't take 'no' for an answer.

Jade's P.O.V.

Leaving them was one of the hardest decisions I've ever made. But it had to be done. 

Severus and I stayed at his home in Spinner's End for the time leading up to the Ball. Only a week.

I had an outfit. I was ready to face them. 

All of them.

A/N Sorry this was short. It's really just a filler chapter. The outfit will be next chapter, and the ball is the one after that. 

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