The DA

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A/N Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter

Hogwarts was dark. Dementors roamed freely around the castle. The students had a lullaby of screams. Blood seemed to coat every corridor. No one was happy. Accept the Carrows. They enjoyed watching the young wither in pain, screaming for mercy. The stench of blood seemed to be what they thirst. The idea pain sent excitement through their veins. Hogwarts is a home no more.

We apparated into Hogsmead, thinking we could use the path from the cellar of Honeydukes to the Witch's portrait. We were wrong. Alarms went off. We held their breaths as Death Eaters came inches away from finding them.

"Psst. Potter. In here," A man called.

We ran into his house. They have some major trust issues... Just walking into people's homes...

"That man. He looked like-" Hermione started.

"Dumbledore," Harry finished. I stopped paying attention to them, looking at the portrait above the fireplace. Ariana. The man then walked into the room.

"You are fools for being here. What were you thinking?" He started.

"We need to get into the castle. Tonight," Harry told him. He doesn't even know this guy's name!!!

"Do yourself a favor Potter. Go home and live a little while you still ca- No. It can't be..." He finally noticed me.

"Hello Aberforth," I greeted him with a smile before running up to hug him.

"Jade. I-Is it really you?" I pull away and nod. "Oh my dear girl. My dear girl," He says hugging me once again. Dumbledore had once brought me over to his house to catch up over a summer break, him being my favorite Professor and all... Aberforth and I became great friends that day and had always tried to stay in touch.

"I thought you had died!" He said to me.

"I had a memory charm placed on me. Lived in the muggle world. And before you ask, there is a malfunctioning aging charm on me," I told him, trying to answer all his questions that are sure to come.

"We need to get into the castle," I tell him. "To stop Tom."

His eyes widened at this, as if he was remembering my relationship with the current Dark Lord. He nods at Ariana's portrait and she leaves. "I'll see you at the battle, my dear old friend," He says to me, and after nodding in the Trio's direction, leaves the room. Ariana comes back. With someone called Neville. He doesn't question me. He never knew me as a child judging by his age.

He brings us to a room and everyone claps when Harry enters. How nice. This is what they call Dumbledore's Army. I smile when I hear the name. At least they're making sure he's never forgotten. When Harry told me Dumbledore died, I may have exploded a river... Whoops...

"Are you here to fight?" Someone asks.

Harry turned to look at me. I gave him a nod. "Yes. I think we are..."

I heard someone in the corner saying, "We have a new weather report. Lightening has struck. I repeat, lightening has struck," causing me to grin.

People were cheering in the anticipation of war. Death. Probably most of the people in this room won't make it out alive... I wouldn't say that though....

I saw that a part of the room opened up to see the halls of Hogwarts. Dark and gloomy...

A girl walked in. She had red hair just like Ron's. "Harry," She breathed from the other side of the room. Harry just stared at her. I heard Ron mutter behind me, "Honestly she hasn't seen me for months and its like I'm Franky Folstrude... I'm only her brother..." I smiled at this. "There's only one Harry," The boy who I later learned is named Seamus said to Ron.

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