The Aftermath

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A/N Warning... the rest of the story stinks... But if you want to find out what happens to Tom, keep reading. But its just bad... I'm sorry.

No P.O.V.

For months, wizards and witches attempted to rebuild the great school of Hogwarts. 

Jade was now the "savior of the Wizarding World" and her life consisted of going to interviews, press conferences, to everywhere through out the Ministry.

She had no free time, only getting a few hours of sleep every night, only to be woken up at the crack of dawn to start a new day of talking to people who probably could care less. She rarely saw her Slytherin friends, and even if she did, she didn't have the time to talk to them, always being escorted around by some stranger.

She saw the Golden Trio in conferences, just talking about the war. They also had been attending  practically all the Death Eater Trials. 

Her life was busy.

But she most certainly wasn't happy.

Today was her first visit to Hogwarts since she was there for the war. As she apparated to the gates with her personal guard (someone who hasn't spoken a word to her, unless she gets angry that he won't talk), she caught sight of the castle. It seemed as though nothing had changed since the war. Hogwarts was still in ruins.

Jade's P.O.V.

"Miss Turner. Pleasure to have you here," McGonagall says to me, opening up the gates.

"Thanks for having me, Professor," I reply politely, giving her a fake smile.

"Well, as you know we have been trying to remake the castle, but it is a slow process," She started.

"When do you think you will open back up?" I ask.

"I don't know... At this pace it will take two years," She replies.

"Two years?!" I ask amazed.

"That is correct, Miss Turner. Anyways, on this tour I will introduce you to people help ing to recreate the castle for the future generations." How much had she rehearsed this? "First, near the Herbology classrooms we have Mrs Price."

I nod to the elderly women. "Good afternoon, Miss Turner. I'm Stephenie Price, and I'm in charge of this section of the castle. It seems that this dark magic that caused all the destruction is very hard to repair. None of us really know how to do it! We're just experimenting currently..."

I listened to her speak for half an hour. Then I went to all the other people. One person per common room. One person per classroom. One per tower. One per bathroom. One per corridor. They all just talked and talked, all really about the same thing. By the time I was in the Great Hall (towards the end) I snapped. 

"Okay. I get how this is dark magic and you don't know how to fix it. I've been told at least fifty times today! For heavens sake! I don't need to have the same talk a hundred times!" I say and then walk to the center of the Great Hall. I fell to my knees. 

"Miss Turner! Are you okay!?! Miss Turner!?!?!" McGonagall yells, trying to get near me. I heard her repelled away from me by the wind.

I start moving my hands in an intricate pattern.

I feel the earth. It moves with me. Walls rebuilt themselves with my stone.

As I opened my eyes, the whole school was rebuilt, back and new. McGonagall started to speak, but with the flick of my cloak, I walked out of the room. Out of the main gates, onto the trail to Hogsmead. 

My dumb guard started to catch up to me. I felt his clammy hands grab my arm to turn me around. I just shook him off, and kept walking. He grabbed me again, this time rougher, harder. "Get off of me," I tell him angrily. He doesn't respond. If anything, his grip just gets stronger. "I don't want to have to hurt you," I threaten. He still doesn't budge. 

I blast him backward. "I warned you," I tell him. I then turn, cloak billowing behind me. At the doors, I make them open with a flick of my hand before I'm even feet away. I run into the small town next to the massive castle. I apparate immediately.

Where to, you may ask. I apparate to a beach, West of London. I stay there the night in a small motel on the shore.

I needed to get away from that life.

Tom's P.O.V.

It's been so long since I was off this island. I can't even remember how long I've been here... Months, I assume...

I made myself a nice little cottage in the small amount of woods on the island. I try to use as little magic as possible, so nothing can get traced to me. I've been surviving off of plants that have been growing here with the occasional fish I caught.

It's weird. Living without magic. I mean, I used to kill people because they lived like this. And here I am, doing exactly that...

I've been starting to doubt that Jade would ever come...

I've had so much time to really think about what I had become. I'm a monster.

If Jade ever comes, I don't deserve her.

After all, I'm nothing more than a murderer.

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