Falling Ill

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Yo trudged slowly up the stairs to the floor his room was on, sipping at his cup of pink milk. Each swallow was painful, making him wince and his eyes tear up, so he gave up on finishing it at the moment. He squinted down the hallway, blinking in confusion about why his vision was still blurry-

I forgot my glasses.

Yo made a face, turning around where he was and clomping back down the stairs. He had no choice but to go all the way back and get his glasses. His eyes still hurt from the contacts, and he needed to be able to see the next day when he went shopping with Ming. He took his time walking back to the hall, enjoying the cool breeze. He had started feeling overheated around the end of practice. Instead of getting worried like Ming, he'd chalked it up to the continuous movement warming him up and causing his face to flush. He reached out for the handle, breathing a soft sigh of relief when the door opened, and he stepped inside, making a beeline for the bathroom.

When he'd just grabbed his glasses and withdrawn his hand out of the sink cabinet, he heard some footsteps and voices in the outer room. Yo carefully stood up, trying to be silent, turned the bathroom light off and peeked around the edge of the door. Forth was out there, along with a couple other seniors. They were talking, but quietly enough Yo couldn't hear what they were saying. He didn't care. Yo was just glad Pha wasn't out there as well.

Forth was surprised to see Yo exiting the bathroom. "Nong, why are you still here?? It's after dark!"

"I forgot my glasses, P," Yo explained, holding up his fist with his glasses clenched within it. "I came back to get them."

"Wold you like a ride back?"

Yo couldn't figure out why Forth was looking at him with a concerned expression. "Um...actually, yeah, that'd be nice. Thank you." His legs were tired, anyway, and his head was starting to hurt. Might as well accept the ride.

"Have you ever ridden on a motorbike before?" Forth asked, waving goodbye at the other guys. They waved back.


"Make sure to hold on tight," Forth said, sounding amused.

Yo settled on behind Forth, still feeling slightly uncertain about riding a motorbike. Hey, first time for everything, right? He wound his arms around Forth's middle, clasping his hands together.

"You'll need to hug me tighter than that," Forth said loudly as the engine roared to life.

Yo shifted closer, practically plastering himself against Forth's back, and tightened his hold. With that, Forth revved the engine, and the bike moved away from the curb. Yo had his eyes shut at first, but then realizing it wasn't so bad, slowly opened them, enjoying the cool air whipping at his face and the speed they were traveling.

They soon arrived in front of Yo's dorm house. He jumped off the bike, smiling and waii-ing Forth in gratitude. "Thank you for the ride, P'Forth."

"Not a problem, Nong," Forth smiled back. "Take care of yourself."

Yo blinked. "Okay...?"

"Your face looks flushed. Are you sick?"

"No...I don't think so..." Yo touched his forehead, frowning when he felt the heat radiating off his skin. Huh...maybe I have a fever? He jerked, startled when Forth placed a cool palm on his forehead. "P-P'Forth..."

"You have a fever, Nong," Forth stated, putting his bike's kickstand down and getting off. "I'll walk you to your dorm."

Yo's eyes went wide. "Oh, there's no need, P! Really, I'm-"

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