Competition Part 3

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Ming applauded with the other Moons and Stars when Yo was awarded the Best Skin Award along with his Star counterpart, Nate. He was very happy for his best friend. Yo didn't win a lot of things in his life, unless one counted Pha, but even then it was more luck than winning something. He gave Yo a thumbs up and a quick grin. As the MCs started to announce the next award after Yo and Nate went back to their places in the lineup, Ming's eyes started scanning the audience for a certain second-year.

Their gazes met, and Ming's mouth involuntarily curved upwards in a sweet smile. If Yo was lucky with Pha returning his feelings, then Ming felt blessed that Kit loved him. In the past, it had always been Ming who did all the chasing, courting, pampering, and said all the sweet words needed in a relationship. Then the girl would cheat on him or dump him cruelly. He never could understand why, since he treated them like Queens while he was dating them.

Then came along Muwan, and for the first couple months, he'd thought she was it. He'd thought she was the one for him. Then Yo pointed out how her actions and words were a Ming realized for himself that he wasn't seeing much of Yo after getting together with Muwan, but he figured that happened when two people were in love like Muwan and he were. But even the way he and Muwan started dating was odd. He'd woken up in a hotel room with no recollection of the night before, and Muwan was by his side, both naked in the same bed.

Understandably, he'd freaked out since he couldn't remember anything. Muwan patiently explained that they'd had sex after drinking, and she wanted him to take responsibility. Ming, still utterly confused and suffering a vicious hangover, had no strength to argue or refuse.

Soon after, Muwan had made sure that everyone knew Ming was hers by constantly coming to his classroom at school, calling him sweetie, darling, honey, and love. She proclaimed she loved him in front of everyone watching, and even bought them matching promise rings.

Ming hadn't realized until it was too late how controlling and abusive Muwan really was.

It took Yo coming to Ming's house after Muwan left and telling him that he'd been calling and messaging Ming to meet up after school sometime, and why wasn't he answering his messages?? Ming checked his phone, but found no record of them. Yo showed his phone, and there were all the calls and messages.

Muwan had been deleting them before finally blocking Yo on Ming's phone, cutting off all contact between Ming and Yo for a solid month.

"And the award for Mr. and Miss Congeniality goes to..."

Ming blinked, breaking eye contact with Kit to look over at the MCs. He knew he probably wasn't going to win this award, either. He mentally crossed his fingers that Yo would win. He needed the confidence boost.

"The Science Faculty!"

The Fairy Angel Gang started screaming their heads off. The twins even got some of the students around them to chant Yo's and Nate's names. Yo's shocked gaze locked with Ming's proud one.

You see? You're better than you think you are, Yo.

Yo and Nate came forward to accept the next award, waii-ing both the seniors presenting them with the award, then to the audience.

"And now for the Popularity Award...the most popular Star is...Nong Kookai Kulissara from the Faculty of Fine Arts!"

Ming applauded for her, though his mind was on the huge bouquet of roses Yo had received earlier. He looked over at Kit, raising his eyebrows in question. Kit winked, pointing at Pha who was at stage right. Ming smirked for a moment.

I knew it. P'Pha bought those roses for Yo.

"And the most popular Moon is..."

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