Terrible Plan

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Yo shifted into a more comfortable position.He frowned slightly,and rolled over onto his back. Wait a second...His frown grew more pronounced. That should've sent me off the couch... His eyes fluttered open, and he gazed up at the ceiling in confusion before looking around the room.

Why am I on the bed??

He spotted Pha, sitting cross-legged on a cot squeezed between the far wall and the bed, working on his laptop. He couldn't figure out how he'd moved from the couch to the bed...unless Ming had done it.Which really didn't sense to Yo at all. Ming wouldn't have bother with moving Yo at all, just gotten into the bed and left his friend to sleep on the couch.

Pha's eyes were aimed at Yo, over the top of the laptop. Yo turned his face away, closing his eyes in a poor attempt at going back to sleep.

"I saw you," Pha teased.

Yo felt the bed dip next to him. What's he up to???

"Stop pretending you're asleep. I saw your eyes were open."

Argh...fine. Yo turned his head, frowning at Pha. "How'd I get here?"

"By bus and Beam's car."

Yo rolled his eyes. "You know what I mean. How'd I get on the bed? I fell asleep on the couch."

Pha shrugged. "Do you sleepwalk?"

"No..." Yo trailed off, thinking. His dad had never said anything about him sleepwalking...nor did Ming when they spent the night at each other's house.

nor did Ming when they spent the night at each other's house

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Then the door opened and in walked Ming. "I'm going to change and go meet up with my seniors. You wanna come, Yo?"

Yo made a face. "Ming, I already told you, it's probably not a good idea since I threw up earlier."

"That was from motion sickness."

"How quickly do you think I recover??"

"Yo," Ming raised an eyebrow. "You've been asleep for four hours."

Yo's gaze fell on the digital clock next to the bed. His eyes widened. "Shit...why didn't anyone wake me up???"

"You were dead to the world, and refused to budge," Ming said bluntly, opening his suitcase and taking out a no-sleeve shirt and cargo shorts, heading for the bathroom to change. "Claimed the bed instead of the couch, hm?"

Yo blinked, confused. Wait...so I did sleepwalk?? Then he noticed how Pha had ducked his head, staring at his laptop screen and ignoring everyone. Weirdo.

"Still not coming?" Ming exited the bathroom, tossing his old clothes on top of his suitcase.

Yo glowered at him.

"Alright, alright," Ming laughed, holding his hands up in surrender. "I'll see you when I get back." He left the room.

Yo stared blankly at the door for a few seconds before turning and asking Pha, "You're not going to go?"

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