Piano Practice

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As they walked up to the music store, all Yo could think about was his friend stuck in the hospital overnight

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As they walked up to the music store, all Yo could think about was his friend stuck in the hospital overnight. Pha seemed to sense the melancholy thoughts and wrapped an arm around the younger's shoulders, squeezing slightly to comfort him.

"Kit's with him, Yo. He'll be okay for the night."

Yo sighed. "I know. It's just..." he shrugged. "Two years of this has taken it's toll on him. I'm scared that if he cuts again, he could accidentally end his life."

Pha rubbed Yo's shoulder, using his free hand to open the door so they could go in. "Kit'll keep a close eye on him."

"Do you..." Yo hesitated, unsure.

"Do I what?" Pha asked, leading Yo towards the back. He waved at the lone worker still there. The worker waved back, smiling.

"Do you think I should tell my dad?"

"Mm...Should be N'Ming's dad, and it should be N'Ming who tells him."

Yo made a sad face. "I know, but Ming won't do it. Or rather, he can't. Muwan has that big a hold over him."

"We'll figure something out, Yo," Pha promised. He opened the door to the piano room, letting Yo go in first. "For now, focus on practicing your song."

Yo's eyes lit up when he saw the baby grand, darting over to it and pressing a few keys. "I have one in my room at home. Wish I could've brought it, but there's no place for it in my dorm."

"And the neighbors wouldn't appreciate it," Pha teased.

Yo snickered, settling on the bench and playing a few bars of his dad's favorite English song, 'When You Wish Upon A Star'. When he finished the first verse, the room was silent, so he looked back to see if Pha was still there.

He turned beet red at the awed expression Pha had.

"Yo..." Pha murmured. "I didn't know you were so talented."

"I'm not," Yo said self-consciously, turning back to poke at the keys so he wouldn't meet Pha's gaze.

"Yes, you are. That was amazing! 'When You Wish Upon A Star', right?"

"Yes. It's my dad's favorite song, and just popped into my head."

"It was beautiful."

Yo squirmed in his seat, unused to being complimented.

Then Pha's hands were on his shoulders, kneading them soothingly. "Why so shy? Usually, you stick your tongue out or something."

Yo merely shrugged, refusing to look at him.

"...haven't you ever been complimented before??"

"No...not really..." Yo reluctantly said. "Only Ming told me I was good, but he's my best friend, so he's biased." He turned, pointing at Pha. "That means you're biased, as well, P'Pha."

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