Chapter 1

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"Here we are!" My mom said excitedly as she pulled into the driveway. "What do you think?" 

"It looks nice." I answered looking at our new house as we got out of the car. I wasn't very happy about moving yet again. Me being the wonderful daughter that I am, I put on a fake smile and kept my mouth shut. 

"Come, let me give you the tour before the movers get here." She said pulling me up the steps of the porch. "You are going to love it here. I can just feel it." She slid her key into the lock.

"I'm in love with the weather." I shrugged. It was Texas, how could I not?

"Ta-da!" She swung open the door, holding her arms out. I walked inside to look around.

When you first walked in the entryway, a staircase was straight in front of the door. The huge living room was to the left. The kitchen, dining room, laundry room, and bathroom were all off of the living room.  Upstairs was made up of a master bedroom, three smaller bedrooms, and a bathroom. 

"This one is yours." Mom said swinging open the door to the master bedroom, that was to the left of the stairs and by itself.

"Why?" I was shocked.

"Because you are the only one here most of the time." She gave me a sad smile. "Besides, you will need it to host all of the new friends you will have."

"You're the best, mom." I wrapped my arms around her in a hug.

"The movers are here!" Mom squealed as she broke our hug. 


"Hey. I'm Kaylee." I blonde cheerleader looking type girl introduced herself as I was watching the movers from the front porch. She flopped down in a chair before continuing. "I live across the street."

"Hello. I'm Makenzie Dover." I said with a wave.

"Will you be starting school on Monday?" Kaylee asked.

I nodded my reply.

"Which class?" She said ogling the sweaty shirtless guy moving the boxes from the moving truck.

"Senior." I sighed.

"Me, too!" She perked up. "That guy is hot!" She said pointing to the guy she had been eye fucking.

"He is the reason I'm not unpacking right now." I giggled. 

"Maybe we can get him to help us move boxes around in your room." She wiggled her eyebrows causing me to giggle. 

"I'd let him move THE box alright." I joked causing her to laugh.

"We are going to be great friends. I can already tell." She said wiping tears from her eyes caused by laughing so hard. 

"Why can't guys in high school look half this good?" I asked.

"For real though. They are such little boys." She shook her head.

We sat in silence watching the movers until a car pulled into the driveway across the street. 

"Shit!" Kaylee cursed as a very muscular guy not much older than us got out of the car. He leaned against the car, crossing his arms at his chest. The sleaves of his t-shirt looked as if they were going to split wide open. "I have to go."

"Is everything okay?" I asked.

"I'm grounded and not supposed to leave the house. That's my brother." She pointed at him. "I'll see you at school Monday." She said before jogging across the street. She walked up the steps to her house with him right behind her. 


After unpacking the last box in my room, I head downstairs. I can hear mom on a call with someone. I decide to start unpacking the kitchen. I figure she will be called away to work any moment now since she has had the last two weeks off. I know I will be left to get the house in order like always. I don't really mind it; I know she works hard to provide the life that we have. The thing is our cleaning styles are very different. Mine is that of a mother with a teenage daughter and hers is that of a teenage daughter.  She is very messy, and it drives me insane.

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