Play Ya Cards Right

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I had just got out the shower and slipped on some baggy sweats. I put on a half shirt that had Badd written across the front. I placed my damp hair in a big sloppy bun and grabbed my keys and MK wrislet. I walked out the house and locked the doors. The alarm automatically set itself when I left out. I got in my Range heading down the highway to Yung's house. I could tell that he was up to something and I knew I had to keep my guard up or my panties would be off.

I finally turned on the street where his house was located. I started slowing down looking for his house number. It was some nice ass homes in this area. I finally came upon his house and slowed down. He had a big ass house. I pulled into the long driveway, shutting my engine off. I sat there giving myself a mental pep talk before getting out. I got out and walked up the long the walkway. I stood in front of the door and rung the bell.

I looked down at my red, black and white air max as the door swung open. I rose my eyes from his feet all the way to his handsome face. He leaned in the door frame with his arms folded, smirking down at me. He had on a sleeveless t-shirt and some black b-ball shorts. I could tell that he had been smoking and drinking cause his eyes were low as hell, but he looked sexy as hell. I don't know what it was about seeing a sexy ass man high and tipsy. The shit was a real turn on.

"Reesha you gon' come in or you gon' stand hea starin a nigga down?" He moved to the side to let me in. I didn't even say anything. I just walked in and looked around. His shit was hooked up nice.

"Nice crib." I commented as I took a seat on his cream leather sofa.

"Preciate it. You want anythang to drink?" He asked as he headed to his minibar.

"Yeah lemme get some coconut Ciroc."

"How ya ass kno' I had some damn Ciroc?" He asked as he started pulling glasses from the shelf.

"Cause nigga I know what the fuck I know."

"Watch ya mouth Reesha." He looked up and smirked.

"Whateva." I grabbed my phone and started going through my emails. I was tryna do whateva I could to keep my mind clear of the sexual urges and thoughts that I was having. I didn't need to be thinking about nothing when it came to him, considering what happened all those years ago.

"If yo ass get drunk I'm not letting you leave hea." He handed me my drink and I rolled my eyes and sucked my teeth.

"Yung you ain't gotta worry about that shit cause I'm not getting drunk. This is gon' be my first and last drink.

"Mhm. I hear ya, but um about this hea card game, I got some rules."

"What kind of rules you got?" I asked with a raised brow as I sat my glass on the coffee table.

I looked at him and he pulled on his chin hairs looking at me. He got up and walked down the hall coming back with a deck of cards. Out of all the cards he coulda brought he brought some damn uno cards.

"What the hell Yung?"

"You actin' like you don't rememba yo ass can't play spades, tonk or poker. So we gotta stay in yo lane, ya kno' keep it simple." He reached for his glass taking a sip of his drink.

"Oh you got jokes, but you right cause I neva did learn to play. Uno is my game."

"Not tonight if you don't play yo cards right. Come on let's take this to the game room." He got up and I got up behind him. We walked down the hallway and I looked on the walls at all the pics of his family. I took a moment to stop and look at the pictures of him and Mel. I knew that he still had his good days and bad days.

He turned around and looked at me. I looked him in the eyes and I could still see the hurt and pain there. I finally broked the trance and walked into the game room. There was a table set up and I took a seat. He came in and sat down, placing the deck of cards on the table.

"Na' Reesha I'm gon' let you deal the the frist hand, but whicheva one of us don't say uno we lose a piece of clothing." He slid the deck of cards in front of me and I stared at him like he was crazy.


I watched as she looked at me like I had jus lost my mind. I knew what the hell I was doing and I was gon' make sure it worked in my favor.

"Yung you can't be serious?" She asked as I cut the cards and shuffled them.

"Baybeh I'm serious as a heart attack, na' get ta dealing them damn cards."

She started dealing the cards and I was ready fa' this shit to get real in hea' cause it was about to get real. We started the game and I noticed she was down to two cards. I still had three, but I was watching tha' hell out her cards. She threw out her second card and didn't say uno.

"My nigga you just fucked yoself cause you didn't say uno, so you kno' what that means."

She rolled her eyes and kicked off her shoes.

"Reesha I see how you gon' do this, but this gon' be and ongoing thang." I said as I threw my cards down and grabbed all the cards. I shuffled and cut them, followed by me dealing them.

We were going back and forth throwing cards out and I was down to two cards and she had two as well. She had to pluck from tha deck because she didn't have the right card to throw out. I threw mines out and I intentionally didn't say uno.

"Aye you know what time it is. Yo ass didn't say uno, so take something off."

I stood up and pulled my t-shirt ova my head. I threw it to her and she threw it on tha floor. I watched as she looked at my tatted chest and arms. Then her eyes hit below my waist and she really didn't want me to lose these shorts because she would see all this dick cause I didn't have on no undawear.

We played a few more games and she was so focused on my chest and shit that she lost all her clothes except for her bra and sexy ass panties. I could tell she was mad, but I told her ass to play her cards right befo' we started playin.

Her hair had some how fell out of her bun and she looked sexy as sin. I leaned back in my chair looking at her. She stood up and I noticed the tats on her side and on her lower pelvis. I also noticed the belly ring hangin from her navel.

"What the fuck you lookin' at Yung?" She asked as she stood up about to put her clothes back on, but I stopped her. I got up and walked in front of her, taking her shirt from her hands.

"I like what I see Reesha. No need to cover yo body up in such a hurry." I bent down and kissed her neck as I grabbed her ass.

"Yung this is not a good idea." She said as she tilted her neck back giving me better access.

I pulled back and looked down at her. I knew she wanted me, but I also knew that it was something holding her back. I skimmed my hands up and down her sides and I stepped back.

"Reesha what's tha problem?" I asked as I leaned back against the table.

"I know like hell you didn't just ask me that shit. We haven't seen each other in six years and you think that I'm just gon' give you pussy like that, when you and I both know you got bitches waiting in line to give you the pussy."

"Reesha we got a history so I don't see tha fuckin' problem."

"The fuck? Did yo brain cells just die or some shit. The history we got is all fucked up, but you know what I'm not about to argue witcho ass, cause you already know what the deal is with us."

My phone rung and it stopped the arugment we were having. I watched as she put on her clothes. I listened as the girl on the otha end of my line was talking all nasty to me. Reesha shook her head and was almost at the door when I grabbed her elbow.

"Reesha wait!"

"No Yung go handle yo business." She pulled away from me a walked out the door slamming it.

"August who the fuck is Reesha?" I heard Felicia say into the phone.

Fuck I jus played my cards all wrong....

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