Dirty Lil Secrets

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I walked out and felt like a complete ass. Having to witness the hurt in her eyes broke me. I knew I shouldn't have went through with that bullshit, but Tangi helped make the shit easier. She came back telling me that Reesha wanted me to be her first and how she was alway curious about me, but what Reesha don't know is the reason why Tangi did it.

I had just stepped out of the elevator and was headed out when I bumped into someone. I looked up and it was Tangi. I smirked because she was about to get an earful.

"Tangi Martin." I said sarcastically.

She looked up and her eyes widened. It had been a long time since I saw her ass. She wasn't nothing but trouble and knowing her she was still doing the same shit.

"Yung I would say its a pleasure to see you, but I would be lying." She narrowed her eyes and smirked at me.

"I don't even know why you tryna front cause Tangi we both know if you had your way, you would ride my dick until tha' sun come up."

"Fuck you Yung!" She yelled about to walk off.

"Oh Tangi I know you want to. Hell you wanted to back then, but you had been with my homies and I wasn't into that poke-poke pass shit."

I could see the anger in her eyes, but I also so something like hurt or maybe even it was regret. I really didn't see how after all these years Reesha dealt with her ass, because she wasn't about shit. She sure as hell wasn't a friend.

"Look I'm not about to let you stand here and insult me." She folded her arms across her chest.

"See Tangi you don't have to, but I tell ya I don't think Reesha would take too kindly in knowin' you helped me take her virginity. I'm gon' tell her everything because Reesha didn't deserve that, but your jealousy and anger got in tha' way of being a real friend."

"Yung please don't do this! I need to be tha' one that tells her everything." She looked at me pleadingly.

"Sorry Tangi, but that shit ain't gon' happen. I plan on telling her ta'night. I have- matta fact we have caused enough pain. So tonight may very well end your fake ass friendship." I looked down at her pathetic ass and walked out the bank.

She ain't never been shit and as far as I'm concerned she still ain't. I don't get these broads out here. None of these bitches these days are loyal. You can just about count on one hand who is loyal. I was in my car headed to my momma' house. I needed to talk to her about all this shit.

I knew I needed to get my shit all the way ta'gether because I know that Reesha was a good woman, but I knew I wasn't he man that she needed right now. I drove in silence thinking about all this shit. I hoped that I could get everything out and discussed.


Shit was spinning out of control. I needed to fix this shit and fast. I was already in enough shit as it was because I was fucking around with Kevon. I was walking out when I heard someone yell my name. I turned and it was Tasha.

This ghetto bitch is too much for me. I clenched my jaw and walked over to her window.

"Why the hell are you yelling my name?" I glared at her and she smirked wickedly.

"Oh I was just wonderin' if Reesha knew her so-called best friend was screwing my brother. Hell y'all must've hopped in the sack the next day after she introduced y'all." She gave a fake smile.

"Look Tasha what the hell do you want?"

"I want August and you are gon' help me get him. I see how he looks at Reesha, but she ain't tryna to do nothing with all that."

"Tasha I am not getting into that bullshit. If he wanted you, I'm sure he would have made a move by now."

"Hmm, well I wonder how Reesha will feel if she knows her fake best friend really ain't her friend."

"Alright Tasha I will see what I can do." I walked out going to my car.

I couldn't believe now all my dirty lil secrets were catching up with me. I have always had to live in the shadows of La'Reesha. Even though I was giving niggas what they wanted, they still flocked to her goody-two shoe ass.

That is why I told August all that shit back then because I wanted him, but no matter how I tried to throw him the pussy he wouldn't take it. I envied that she didn't have to do anything to get him to notice her. All she had to do was smile and he would flock to her. They had the strongest bond and I bet money now she fucking him. Now Tasha's deranged ass want him, but she can't have him until I get a piece of him first.

I know that I already got enough shit going on, but Kevon is just something to do. I want what I want and I know how to get what I want.


I looked at the clock on my dash and it was 8:30 pm. I had just pulled up to Reesha's house. I ran my hands across my head. I knew tryna to explain this shit wasn't gon' hurt more, but all the truth needed to be revealed. I got out the car walked up to her door. I sighed and rung the bell. I waited and the door swung open.

"What the hell are you doing here?" She mugged the hell outta of me.

"Reesha can a nigga come in. I really need to get some shit off my chest." I looked down at her while biting on my lip.

She huffed and let me in. I stood off to the side as she closed the door. She turned and walked over to the sofa. I followed behind her watching her ass as she walked. We both sat down and it was a long moment of silence.

"Yung talk if you gon' talk" Reesha stated as she got comfortable on the sofa.

"Re-" I was cut off by her doorbell.

She got up to answer the door. I laid back on the sofa just thinking random thoughts. All of a sudden I heard her going off. I got up to see what was going on and she was going off on that bitch ass nigga Ketron or Ke-whateva the fuck his name is.

"Kevon what the fuck are you doing here?"

"No La'Reesha I should be askin you what the fuck that nigga doing here?.....

Do me a favor and go checkout the newly upated book called Lust by Hemoansdemii

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