True Honesty

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"Did you sleep with Tangi?" I turned facing him and watched him closely. He leaned forward and braced his arms on both knees as he looked across the park.

There was a long pause and I was anxiously awaiting his answer. He sighed and looked over at me. I couldn't read his expression. I sighed in frustration because he was stalling.

"August either you did or you didn't. Hell the way you actin' makes me think you did and you are feeling guilty." I snapped. I was so tired of all the games and my emotions being played with. I wanted true honesty and I wanted it right damn now.

"Reesha, I may have don' a lot of stupid shit that resulted in you getting hurt, but sleeping with Tangi was not one of them. I think now is the time that I tell you everythang that you need ta' kno." He stood and reached for my hand.

We strolled through the park hand in hand. There was a comfortable silence as we both were lost in our own thoughts. Apparently what he had to say was a lot because the muscle in his jaw kept clenching and unclenching.

We stopped in front a little stream and he let my hand go. We both rested our arms on the railing and stared off across the way.

"Reesha that night that I came to your house and we had sex for the first time, was planned. See whateva' you were telling Tangi about me she would come and tell me everythang. Because of her I knew that you wanted me to be your first. The day before it happened Tangi came to me and said that you wanted me to come over the next night and make it happen." He paused ran his hands across his head.

"Tangi basically planned this whole thing out all because I wouldn't sleep with her. She made advances at me, but I wasn't into her like that. In fact I wasn't into her at all. Anyway, Tangi had a converstation with my homeboy Jay about you. She told him that you were a virgin and nobody was gon' be able to get that unless it was me, basically she was playing both ends against the middle."

I didn't say anything because I knew that there was more. I couldn't believe that Tangi was that damn grimy. This made me think back to what my momma said earlier and now it all makes sense.

"Tell me August, did you not have common damn sense. I mean I see what happened, but still you fell into her web of deceit. She wanted me to hurt so she used you to get to me and it work. August I thought that you really cared for me that I actually meant something to you. I thought I was different, that I at least was special in your eyes, but all I was and still is a piece of ass that you think you can claim whenever the hell you want to."

"Reesha I'm so sorry and I was dumb as hell, but the thought of another nigga touching you made all my common sense fly out the window."

"Still August you should have known that if Jay had come my way I wouldn't have done it and do you know why I wouldn't have done it?"

"No. Why?"

"Because I loved you, but you let a weak, jealous insecure bitch like Tangi twist you all up in the head. She saw how we were and how you would look at me. She wanted to be in my shoes because I didn't have to give up no ass to get your attention and she hated that. But hey it is what it is right?" I smirked at him and looked away.


"Reesha look at me baybeh." I stepped closer to her and I saw tears stream down her beautiful face.

She looked at me and the look she had in her eyes broke my heart. I really had fucked up and bad, but I made the bet with Jay because he was talking about how he was gon' buss it wide open and me being a nigga put money on it that I could get it first. I knew that I could because Tangi had sealed the deal with all the information.

"I'm so sorry I hurt you. If I could take it all back I would. I knew betta' but I was just tryna be that nigga, a dumb ass nigga at that." I looked down at her and I caressed her cheek. She was so beautiful and I didn't deserve the love she had fa' me. A blind man could see the love in her eyes.

"You deserve betta' than I can give Reesha. You kno' all that I am willing to offer." I wiped the tears from her eyes. I really and truthfully didn't deserve her in no form or fashion.

"Well August I want and need more. If sex is all that you can give then I guess its best that we part ways right now. I love you August, but I be damned if I settle for a few quick rolls in the hay just to say I have part of you. Goodbye August."

I watched as she walked away and I felt like my heart had just walked away with her. I knew that I was doing the right thing or at least I hoped that I was doing the right thing. I had already caused her so much pain and yet through it all she still loved a nigga. I continued to stare off in the distant and I felt like shit. I played one game too many and I ended up losing big time.

"Hey sexy."

I looked up and there was a female beside me. She looked familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on it.

"Wassup." I glanced at her and turned back around.

"Are you waiting for someone?" She asked as she ran her hand up and down my arm.

I took a good look at her and realized who she was.


Well now Reesha knows, but things ended before it got started.

Tasha's lurkin ass tryna to get in. I think she was in the park watching the whole scene between Aug and Reesha.

I know another cliffhanger LOL....don't wanna give you too much too soon.

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