Secrets all Around Pt. 2

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The car ride to my house seemed like the longest ride ever. I stared out the window at the passing scenery. I didn't wanna look at August right now because I didn't know how to feel. I pulled my phone out and saw that I had a missed call from Braylon. I didn't even feel like talking to him. I was in a pissy mood and my emotions were all over the place.

We finally pulled up in my driveway and I jumped out before the car stopped good. I assumed that he was gon' take off, but he shut the car off getting out. I glanced at him and rolled my eyes. I opened the door and sat everything down by the door. I was headed upstairs when I felt myself being pulled back against August chest.

"Stop fucking running from me! I admit I fucked up and I'm sorry, but all this attitude you giving me gon' stop right damn na!" He gripped my upper arms tightly.

I couldn't say nothing. My breathing escalated due to the fact of his take control attitude.

"I wrote those letters because I had to put down on paper what I was feeling, since I knew I couldn't come to you. Think about Reesha, if I had come to you condsidering how I left things you would have cussed my ass out. I spent so many nights thinking about you and wanting to be there, but I was ashamed of how I did you when I knew you didn't deserve that shit." He turned me in his arms and I looked up at him.

"Why didn't you at least try August? I was hurting so damn bad without you. I missed you like crazy and my days and nights were so fucking empty without you there. I hated going to school and not seeing you there. I felt like everybody knew that you had fucked and ducked because everybody was looking at me with sympathy in their eyes." I looked down and tears rolled down my face.


I hated to see her hurting like this and hated that it was because of me. I'm scared of love because I see how it destroys you if the other person doesn't love you back. Growing up that's what I saw and I vowed that I didn't wanna be on the receiving end nor make someone feel like that. Now when I look at the situation at hand I made Reesha feel like that.

"Baybeh don't cry. Honestly the way I fucked up, I'm not worth your tears. You actually deserve a man that ain't living in fear of risking it all." I lifted her chin and wiped her tears away. "Reesha I do love you, but I love you enough to let you go. I'm just too afraid to risk it all and be left feeling lost and empty. I don't wanna hurt you because I have never been in a real relationship before." I caressed her cheek and more tears fell. "I don't know how to do committment Reesha."

"August why are you being this way? Why are you doing this to me again?" She looked at me pleadingly.

"Because I'm not the man you need right now. I need to get myself right emotionally and mentally first. Growing up I saw how love can destroy you and I don't wanna risk all of me to be left feeling empty."

"How the hell you think I feel August!" She hit my chest wit the balls of her fist and broke down.

I wrapped my arms around her and held her as she cried. My own heart was breaking, but I couldn't do us right now. I know she feels played yet again, but this time I'm telling her straight up. She pulled back and ran her hands through her hair.

"You know what August, I can't make you love me the way I love you, so I guess this is goodbye. I mean its no point in doing this back and forth. Its not good for either of us, so I get it. You love me, but you are not in love with me. Although you love me enough to let me go. Ironic huh?" She smirked and turned on her heels going upstairs.

I watched her as she walked upstairs not once looking back. I felt my own tears stream down my face and I knew that I needed to get outta of here. I walked out the door not looking back and got in my car. I sat there staring at her house knowing that from this point on there would be no more Reesha and Yung.


I was sitting in my living room watching the news when I heard the reporter mention someone being found dead. All of a sudden I saw Tangi's picture flash. I turned up the volume and listened.

"Tangi Martin, well known makeup artist was found dead earlier today in her home. Their are no leads, but Detectives are working around the clock to get to the bottom of this murder case."

I sat there blinking rapidly not believing it. I had just talked to my sister last night, but I knew her dealing with Kevon was going to get crazy. I told her what he did to me and I even showed her the scars, but still she went after him anyway. I really need to call La'Reesha and let her know she is in danger, but how the hell do I explain all this shit to her without her thinking I'm the bad guy.

"Mommy I'm hungry." Ariel said as she looked up at me.

"Okay pumpkin lets see what we can find you to eat." I grabbed her hand and headed into the kitchen.

I hated that my daughter was in the middle of all this drama. I hate all this drama period. I just hope Kevon and his dumb ass sister don't find me. That's why I gave a fake name because opening up those accounts in my real name which is Aniyah Martin would have lead to drama. The twist of it all Kevon, Tasha and Reesha don't know that Tangi was my sister.

Damn all these secrets....

Just a lil filler until the drama really unfolds. August and Reesha can't seem to get it together. Hopefully they do before its too late.

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