Chapter Four

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      Ethan couldn't be impressed more or less but he had to admit he was impressed by the facilities in the school. He use to think his school had the best amenities in the country. His school was number one according to the education board but this school topped it in every way and it wasn't mentioned on the list at all.

      "Islanders High is the only school recognized by Harvard" his mom had said while she tried to convince him to accept the admission.

    "It's good for the long run and we are not even paying" Her mom said

          He walked into the properly lit science lab. Everywhere in the school had good lighting that made everything stand out. He went to the table by the window where the rude girl from earlier was sitting. 

He was surprised to see her in that class and he couldn't help but imagine how awkward the whole semester was going to be. He hated that she had the same name as someone who meant the whole world to him at a point in his life.

        He sat on an high stool opposite her and looked out the window after their eyes met. The other two people in their group came through and sat on the other empty stools beside them.

   The guy, Ibrahim tried to touch her hair with a smile on his face but she slapped his hand off.

"In front of you is a bisected frog. Be careful not to tamper with its bowel. We do not know where these frogs have been" Mr Michael said as he put on his lab coat. "Your lab coats please"

  Everyone who hadn't worn one  started to wear the white lab coats that was hanging on a rack beside the table they sat in.
      Ethan wore his and was surprised to see his name printed on it. 

    "Hi, my name is Azeezat" she said to Marcella. Marcella looked up at her blankly and looked away. She wore her googles and stared at the frog as she pricked it with a test stick that looked like that of a popsicle.

      Ethan watched Ibrahim mouth something to Azeezat.

    "You want to be careful with that" he said to her after a while. She looked up at him and kept doing what she was doing. Mr Michaels kept explaining in the background as they all paid attention and followed his instruction with the frog till she pricked the bowel and sent a brownish liquid flying across the table and splashing over Ethan's coat.

       "What the ..." He said loudly as he looked down from his coat to her. He watched as her face grew a smirk on it. She grabbed her hand and held on tight to it.

   "I told you to stop" he said loudly. Everyone turned to look at him but he didn't mind. He was so angry at her but he hated the thought of hurting a woman. He threw her hand away and watched her hold on to it as she looked at him.

   "What is wrong with you?" He asked before walking out angrily from the Lab stopping in front of  a startled Mr Michael "Excuse me, sir"

Azeezat looked round the room, she saw how shocked everyone looked and she couldn't help but wonder why. 

She looked at Mide who's jaw had dropped and looked as startled as Mr Michaels.

   Are these people controlled to act in the same way every time something happens?

  She looked at the other girl in her group that Ethan had held on to, "are you okay" Azeezat asked politely even though she wasn't sure whether to talk to her or not. She just looked at Azeezat angrily before getting down from her stool and leaving the room.


  "What just happened" one of the twins that followed Makayla said loudly

"Oh my God" The other one exclaimed. Azeezat looked at Makayla who had an evil smile on her face before she left the room.

      "Class dismissed" Mr Michaels yelled

  Everyone started rushing out, whispering about what had just happened, throwing their coat in a laundry bag by the door as they ran out.

   "What just happened?" Azeezat asked Ibrahim.

   "Hell just broke loose" he said as he led her out

   Marcella was angry, angry enough to not want to control how she felt. "Hey, Hey" she yelled as she walked quickly behind him. She called out but he just kept walking away.

   "Hey" she screamed then he stopped.

   She heard  doors open but they both didn't look back.

"How dare you raise your hand to touch me?" She asked as she walked up to his front
      "Would you have rather I poured a frog's excretions on you like you did to me on purpose?"He asked softly

       "I am sure it's way cleaner than your hands" she said softly but one could sense the anger  "I will make you regret this"
    "Ethan, are you okay" Makayla said as she came up to where they were standing in the hallway. Marcella looked at her blankly as she pretended to care. 

Makayla was a lot of thing but caring about other people wasn't who she was. Marcella watched as she touched Ethan's shoulders before she looked at her and flashed her one of her evil smirks.

       "I am fine, thank you" He said as he brushed her hands off.

"Let me help you with your coat"  Maykayla said as she helped Ethan take it off from behind. She looked at Marcella with the same face she had always used to look at her since they were little. 

A face filled with hate, she wanted everything Marcella had. And she was this close to getting it.

 With the help of this very Clueless new student. She was going to get it. She threw the coat at the twins without looking at who caught it.

    "Let me help you clean up"  she offered as she led him out of the hallway.

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